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The Pirates of Ersatz

Read by Elliott Miller

Murray Leinster

Bron is the offspring of infamous space pirates but instead of following in the family footsteps he decides to become an electronic engineer…

The Pink Fairy Book

Read by Elliott Miller

Andrew Lang

All people in the world tell nursery tales to their children, and the stories are apt to be like each other everywhere. A child who has read…

The Poisoned Pen

Read by Elliott Miller

Arthur B. Reeve

The many adventures of Professor Craig Kennedy were chronicled by Arthur B. Reeve (October 15, 1880 - August 9, 1936). Reeve was an American…

The Silent Bullet

Read by Elliott Miller

Arthur B. Reeve

The many adventures of Professor Craig Kennedy were chronicled by Arthur B. Reeve (October 15, 1880 - August 9, 1936). Reeve was an American…

Hunters Out of Space

Read by Elliott Miller

Joseph E. Kelleam

Originally published in the May, 1960 issue of Amazing Science Fiction Stories. Jack Odin has returned to the world of Opal, the world insid…

36 - Chapter 36

In Ivanhoe

Read by Elliott Miller

Sir Walter Scott

Follows the fortunes of the son of a noble Saxon family in Norman England as he woos his lady, disobeys his father, and is loved by another.…

28 - The Simpleton

In The Grey Fairy Book

Read by Elliott Miller

Andrew Lang

The tales in the Grey Fairy Book are derived from many countries — Lithuania, various parts of Africa, Germany, France, Greece, and other re…