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Homiletics: Classification of Divisions

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William Paxton

This lecture comes from Paxton's Homiletics (preaching) class at Princeton Seminary. The 'classification of divisions' refers to different s…

The B. B. Warfield Collection, Volume 6

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Benjamin B. Warfield

These 31 articles from Warfield treat the Bible, Christology, theology and apologetics. It also contains a number of his prolific book revie…

The Devotions of Bishop Andrewes

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Lancelot Andrewes

The following Translation of the Greek Devotions of Bishop Andrewes is made from the Edition of 1675, and has already appeared in a publicat…

On Subjects Connected with the Christian Ministry

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Richard Cecil

A collection of brief observations about the Christian ministry, grouped thematically. "On my first intercourse with Mr. Cecil, now upw…

Exodus, from Horae Homileticae

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Charles Simeon

Simeon's Works, as they were published 1832, fill twenty-one large octavo volumes, and the title-page reads, "Horae Homileticae or Disc…

The Importance of the Gospel Ministry

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Samuel Miller

An introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the winter session of the theological seminary at Princeton, New-Jersey, November 9. 182…

A Cure for the Cankering Error of the New Eutychians

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Thomas Monck

A cure for the cankering error of the new Eutychians who (concerning the truth) have erred saying that our blessed Mediator did not take his…

The Joachim Neander Collection

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This collection brings together biography, history, theology, hagiography and hymns to gather as many articles as possible about the German …

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