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The Hawaiian Archipelago

Read by Jane Bennett

Isabella L. Bird

Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands. - Summary by Isabella Bird

Princes and Poisoners: Studies of the Court of Louis XIV

Read by Jane Bennett

Frantz Funck-Brentano

The court of French King Louis XIV was not a safe place to be. It was filled with plots and intrigues, leaving observers and commentators wi…

Use of Evergreens

In Christmas and Christmas Lore

Read by Jane Bennett

Thomas G. Crippen

For above forty years I have been a diligent collector of history, tradition, legend, custom, or folklore, whether from familiar or unfamili…

Proofs 26-45

In One Hundred Proofs That the Earth Is Not a Globe

Read by Jane Bennett

William Carpenter

A bit of pseudo-science that will baffle, confuse, and amaze! Until the Space Age, there was little every-day, self-evident proof that the e…

How Eric the Red came to Greenland (983), by Dr. Isaac I. Hayes

In The World’s Story Volume VIII: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and …

Read by Jane Bennett

Eva March Tappan

This is the eighth volume of the 15-volume series of The World’s Story: a history of the World in story, song and art, edited by Eva March T…

Experience at Courts

In Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

Read by Jane Bennett

Charles Babbage

Some men write their lives to save themselves from ennui, careless of the amount they inflict on their readers. Others write their personal …


In Scottish Reminiscences

Read by Jane Bennett

Archibald Geikie

Archibald Geikie was a geologist in Scotland by profession, and a writer. While most of his writings were professional, this is a more perso…

Chapter III Giovanni di Bicci, part 1

In The Medici, Volume 1

Read by Jane Bennett

G. F. Young

This work relates the history of the Medici family through three centuries and eleven generations, from its rise from obscurity, to its zeni…

Glimpses of Anzac by Hector Dinning

In The Anzac Book

Read by Jane Bennett


A collection of prose, poetry, jokes, special orders, et cetera written by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps combatants of the Galli…