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In Oxford Sparks: adventures in science

Read by Jo Dunkley, Alain Goriely and Robert Llewellyn


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Maths Really Does: From modelling the brain to modelling the climate

In The Secrets of Mathematics

Read by Alain Goriely


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Maths Really Does: From modelling the brain to modelling the climate

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Alain Goriely


University of Oxford Podcasts

Oxford Physics Research

Read by Chris Lintott, Roger Davies, Jo Dunkley and katherine blundell

Chris Lintott, Roger Davies, Jo Dunkley and katherine blundell

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Tear Thief

Read by Alain Bezancon

Alain Bezancon

In a world where emotions are disappearing, selling the tears containing these emotions has become a thriving industry. Alongside this enter…

Call Me

Read by Alain Bezancon

Alain Bezancon

Milos is one of the most well known Vibration Jockey (VJ) of the Feelers underground scene. The Feelers are adepts of extreme sensations, wh…

Cosmology from the Microwave Background

In Oxford Physics Public Lectures

Read by Jo Dunkley


University of Oxford Podcasts


In Stargazing

Read by Jo Dunkley


University of Oxford Podcasts

Daddy-Long-Legs Version 2

Read by Jo Karabasz

Jean Webster

Jerusha Abbott was brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage. The children were wholly dependent on charity and had to w…

"Origins" Part 1 - Origins of the Universe

In Big Questions - with Oxford Sparks

Read by Jo Dunkley and Chris Lintott


University of Oxford Podcasts

Spirits in Bondage

Read by Robert Garrison

C. S. Lewis

Spirits in Bondage is C.S. Lewis’s first book and the first of his works to be available in the public domain. It was released in 1919 unde…

The Seventh Man

Read by Robert Keiper

Max Brand

The Seventh Man by Max Brand, tells part of the story of the larger-than-life western character, Dan Barry, known as “Whistling Dan,” and hi…

The Window at the White Cat

Read by Robert Keiper

Mary Roberts Rinehart

When a clumsy, well-meaning lawyer gets involved with a pair of delightful old maids and a beautiful girl, he must acquire some of the skill…

The Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson

Read by Robert Scott

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faith Hope and Charity ...... In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self - Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott…


Read by Robert Foster


Aristotle’s Poetics from the 4th century B.C. aims to give a short study of storytelling. It discusses things like unity of plot, reversal o…

Old Indian Legends

Read by Robert Scott


Fourteen Old Indian Legends by Native American (Dakota) Author Zitkala-sa. These Legends feature the exploits of Iktomi the Native American …

A Study In Scarlet (version 5)

Read by Robert Dixon

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"A Study in Scarlet" is the first ever Sherlock Holmes story split into two quite distinctive parts. The first part is told from …

The Hunting of the Snark

Read by Robert Garrison

Lewis Carroll

This is a whimsical poem that takes the reader on a sailing hunt for the mythical Snark. The Bellman, the Butcher, the Baker, the Beaver and…