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A Year with the Birds

Read by Owlivia

W. Warde Fowler

William Warde Fowler was a true polymath; although his early studies focused on natural history, he became a well-known authority on the his…

The Astral Plane: Its Inhabitants, Scenery, and Phenomena

Read by Owlivia

C. W. Leadbeater

Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is the fifth of a series of Manuals designed to meet the public dema…

William Blake

Read by Owlivia

G. K. Chesterton

From the author’s introduction: "Blake’s life of Blake … would have been full of symbolic wild beasts and naked women, of monstrous cl…

Rambles Beyond Railways; or, Notes in Cornwall taken A-foot

Read by Owlivia

Wilkie Collins

Two travellers, the writer of this book, and an artist friend who is the companion of his ramble, explored Cornwall together, on foot in the…

Practical Mysticism (Version 2)

Read by Owlivia

Evelyn Underhill

I write only for the larger class which, repelled by the formidable appearance of more elaborate works on the subject, would yet like to kno…

Orthodoxy (Version 3)

Read by Owlivia

G. K. Chesterton

… [In] its pages I have attempted in a vague and personal way, in a set of mental pictures rather than in a series of deductions, to state t…

Robert Browning (Version 2)

Read by Owlivia

G. K. Chesterton

This mystery of the unconscious man, far deeper than any mystery of the conscious one, existing as it does in all men, existed peculiarly in…

CHAPTER XIII.— Other Branches of the Work

In Invisible Helpers

Read by Owlivia

C. W. Leadbeater

Even in this incredulous age, and amidst the full whirl of our nineteenth-century civilization, in spite of the dogmatism of our science and…

Pt 1 Ch 9: The Miser of Murdstone Creek

In The Uttermost Star, and Other Gleams of Fancy

Read by Owlivia

Frank W. Boreham

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of edi…

Regard to the Favor of the World contrasted with a regard to the Favor of God (…

In Lectures to Young People

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William B. Sprague

The plan of the following course of Lectures was suggested to the author, by his having often felt the need of a book to put into the hands …

Chapter 14 - Troitska Monastery; European Fairs; Minin's Tomb and Tower; Down t…

In The Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire

Read by Owlivia

Thomas Wallace Knox

An engaging travelogue first published in 1886, written conversationally among two youths and their guide and mentor. Subtitle: Adventures o…

The Divine Use of Shame

In David and His Friends: A Series of Revival Sermons

Read by Owlivia

Louis Albert Banks

This is a collection of thirty-one revival sermons, all of which were preached in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Cleveland, Ohio, dur…

Chivalry vs. Gumbo

In Westward Hoboes: Ups and Downs of Frontier Motoring

Read by Owlivia

Winifred Hawkridge Dixon

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Dixo…