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Adeline Mowbray

Read by P Moscato

Amelia Opie

Everybody makes mistakes, and everything has a price. This novel describes, according to its name, the life of Adeline Mowbray, full of ever…

Ch 1-4:

In Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Vol 2

Read by P Moscato

Benvenuto Cellini

Cellini's autobiographical memoirs, which he began writing in Florence in 1558, give a detailed account of his singular career, as well as h…

A Little Glimpse Of Heaven

In Paula the Waldensian

Read by P Moscato

Eva Lecomte and Eva Lecomtetranslated Byw. M. Strong

Into the home of an interesting but self-centered family in old France comes Paula, a young orphaned cousin, from the little village of Vill…

24 - Peggy has revenge

In Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville

Read by P Moscato

L. Frank Baum

Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville is a 1908 young-adult novel written by L. Frank Baum, famous as the creator of the Land of Oz. It is the thi…

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