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Meine Hölle

Read by Petra Zaidi

Jakob Elias Poritzky

Wir folgen dem jüdischen Ich-Erzähler auf der Flucht vor seiner Familie nach Paris, wo er als Verkäufer von Kleinkram seinen …

Jordens Inre

Read by Petra

Otto Witt

Jordens inre får vi ta del av en av Otto Witts framtidsvisioner, utarbetad innan Första Världskriget -- det hela utspelar si…

Sockerpullor och Pepparkorn: Små bilder ur skånska folklifvet förr och nu

Read by Petra

Henrik Wranér

This is a collection of amusing anecdotes about quirky couples from a rural part of Scania, in the south of Sweden. Written by a man from th…


In Multilingual Poetry Collection 020

Read by Petra

Johan Ludvig Runeberg

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …

The Field of Boliauns

In Celtic Folk and Fairy Tales

Read by Petra

Joseph Jacobs, editor and Joseph Jacobs

A collection of folk and fairy tales from the Emerald Isle. There is an earlier version of this book - Celtic Fairy Tales, but this recordin…

093 - Part II, Book the Eighth, Chapter III - The Old Hall

In The Man Who Laughs

Read by Petra

Victor Hugo

The Man Who Laughs is a novel by Victor Hugo, originally published in April 1869 under the French title L'Homme qui rit. Also published unde…

14 - Feuillet's "La Morte", part 1

In Appreciations, with an Essay on Style

Read by Petra

Walter Pater

Appreciations, with an Essay on Style, is a collection of Walter Pater's previously-published essays on literature. The collection was well …


In Historic Girls

Read by Petra

Elbridge Streeter Brooks

Twelve short stories of real girls who have influenced the history of their times. (Summary by Carmen H)

Safe in their Alabaster Chambers - Read by PA

In Safe in their Alabaster Chambers

Read by Petra

Emily Dickinson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 recordings of Safe in their Alabaster Chambers by Emily Dickinson. This was the Weekly Poetry project for M…

Prinzessin Mäusehaut

In Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1812/15) Teil 1

Read by Petra

Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Anlässlich des 200. Jubiläums der Kinder- und Hausmärchen präsentiert LibriVox eine Auswahl aus der ersten Auflage der K…