A Short Survey of the Right Manner of Erecting and Ordering a Family According to the Scriptures.Proverbs 24:3-4 Through wisdom is an house …
This lecture comes from Paxton's Homiletics (preaching) class at Princeton Seminary. The 'classification of divisions' refers to different s…
A collection of brief observations about the Christian ministry, grouped thematically. "On my first intercourse with Mr. Cecil, now upw…
Simeon's Works, as they were published 1832, fill twenty-one large octavo volumes, and the title-page reads, "Horae Homileticae or Disc…
A cure for the cankering error of the new Eutychians who (concerning the truth) have erred saying that our blessed Mediator did not take his…
An introductory lecture delivered at the opening of the winter session of the theological seminary at Princeton, New-Jersey, November 9. 182…
St. Chrysostom's commentary on the Epistle to the Romans is one of the closest and most argumentative of those he has left us... The rhetori…
The Gnomon of the New Testament, by John Albert Bengel is the scholar's delight. He selected the title as modest and appropriate, intending …
Of the More Excellent Glory and Power Which Accompanies His Promulgation of the Gospel, Than Did Accompany the Giving of the Law on Mount Si…
In Christmas Short Works Collection 2022
The 2022 Christmas collection brings some old favourites along with some new selections, from the traditional to the bizarre. Among the sele…