Search Results

03 - The Funeral

In Balder Dead

Read by Nathan

Matthew Arnold

"Balder Dead" is a beautiful epic poem by Matthew Arnold. It draws from Norse mythology to retell the story of the the death of Od…

1 - Tristram and Iseult Part 1: Tristram

In Tristram and Iseult & Sohrab and Rustum

Read by Nathan

Matthew Arnold

Tristam & Iseult is a narrative poem containing strong romantic and tragic themes: and was first published in 1852 by Matthew Arnold. Th…


In Eros and Psyche

Read by Nathan

Robert Bridges

Bridges' Eros and Psyche retells the Eros (= Cupid) and Psyche myth first recorded by Lucius Apuleius in his book The Golden Ass.The poem is…

15 - Chapter 15

In The Wise Woman

Read by Nathan

George MacDonald

George MacDonald was an influential Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. MacDonald’s works (particularly his fairy tales and fanta…

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