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Bible (KJV) 18: Job (version 3)

Read by Tony Addison

King James Version

The Book of Job, memorably conceived of by C G Jung as the story of one man's struggle to make conscious the undifferentiated contents of th…

All's Well That Ends Well (version 2)

Read by Tony Addison

William Shakespeare

A fairy tale with real life consequences, All's Well That Ends Well concerns a poor physician's daughter who goes to Paris to heal the King …

Pearl (Coulton translation)

Read by Tony Addison

The Gawain Poet and The Gawain Poettranslated Bygeorge Coulton

A companion piece to From Jerusalem to Revelations in the Librivox catalogue (…

The Horse Shoe

Read by Tony Addison

Edward G. Flight

An hilarious telling in verse of the tale of St. Dunstan and the Devil, in which the Saint, angered by the Devil's mocking of his music-maki…

RUNE XXXI. Kullerwoinen, Son of Evil

In The Kalevala: the Epic Poem of Finland (Crawford Translation)

Read by Tony Addison

Elias Lonnrot and Elias Lönnrot

This is the epic of Finland. It is the combined folk tales of the Finnish nation starting with the birth of the world from the egg of a seab…

Marriage, Section 2

In Marriage, as it was, as it is and as it should be

Read by Tony Addison

Annie Besant

In this short pamphlet, Annie Besant - a well-known British women's rights activist - lays down British marriage laws as they were at her ti…

Kubla Khan

In Short Poetry Collection 148

Read by Tony Addison

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

This is a collection of 27 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for September 2015.

The Ancient Mariner

In Long Poems Collection 008

Read by Tony Addison

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

LibriVox’s Long Poems Collection 008: a collection of 14 public-domain poems longer than 10 minutes in length.

Sonnet 116

In Short Poetry Collection 155

Read by Tony Addison

William Shakespeare

This is a collection of 31 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for April 2016.

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