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Read by mleigh

Yevgeny Zamyatin

We is considered to be one of the first dystopian novels and the inspiration for later novels in the genre such as George Orwell's 1984 and …

Into the Frozen South

Read by mleigh

James William Slessor Marr and James W. S. Marr

James Marr was a Boy Scout selected to go along with Sir Ernest Shackleton aboard the Quest in 1921 for the Shackleton–Rowett Expedition to …

The Ashtabula Disaster

Read by mleigh

Stephen D. Peet

Rev. Stephen D Peet describes the fatal railroad disaster on December 29, 1876 in Ashtabula, Ohio due to a bridge failure. He was a resident…

Doctor Rabbit and Brushtail the Fox

Read by mleigh

Thomas Clark Hinkle

Dr. Rabbit and his animal friends are enjoying the peace of the Big Green Woods. However, that peace is not to last as a unpleasant new neig…

Mary's Little Lamb

Read by mleigh

Edith Francis Foster

Learn how Mary acquires a Little Lamb, how it follows her to school, and many other adventures the pair have such as the lamb saving Mary's …

Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf

Read by mleigh

David Cory

Join Little Jack Rabbit and his kind Uncle John Hare on their adventures including travelling with Santa's reindeer and encounters with Mr. …

Pt 1 Ch 8: Slippers

In The Uttermost Star, and Other Gleams of Fancy

Read by mleigh

Frank W. Boreham

Frank Boreham was a well known preacher who served in England, Australia, and New Zealand. He published dozens of books and thousands of edi…

The Adventures of a Rat Race; The Morning Message

In Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 32, June 8, 1880

Read by mleigh


Harper's Young People is an illustrated weekly publication for children that includes short stories, tales from history, natural history, po…

Tommy Becomes a Furry Engineer

In The Wishing-Stone Stories

Read by mleigh

Thornton W. Burgess

“Tommy scuffed his bare, brown feet in the grass … A scowl, a deep, dark, heavy scowl, had chased all merriment from his round, freckled fac…

Billy Bunny and the Circus Cowboy

In Billy Bunny and the Friendly Elephant

Read by mleigh

David Cory

Children’s story author, David Cory, who gave us the series of Little Jack Rabbit, Billy Bunny, Little Journeys to Happy Land, and the Littl…

A King Impaled on His Own Sword

In David and His Friends: A Series of Revival Sermons

Read by mleigh

Louis Albert Banks

This is a collection of thirty-one revival sermons, all of which were preached in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Cleveland, Ohio, dur…