Henry Cabot Lodge
Hero Tales from American History

Read by David Leeson
Its purpose … is to tell in simple fashion the story of some Americans who showed that they knew how to live and how to die; who proved thei…
Theodore Roosevelt; An Address Delivered Before The Congress Of The United Stat…

Read by David Wales
A biographical encomium delivered on the occasion of Roosevelt's death. Theodore "T.R." Roosevelt, Jr. (1858 – 1919) was an Amer…
The Democracy of the Constitution, and other Addresses and Essays
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Henry Cabot Lodge was a popular American Senator from Massachusetts. He did not only make a name for himself as a politician, but also as an…
A to Zed Collection Vol. 002
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is a collection of 26 selections, both fiction and nonfiction, in which each topic begins with a different letter of the alphabet.