Robert Sherard
Oscar Wilde: The Story of an Unhappy Friendship

Read by Rob Marland
Robert Sherard was Oscar Wilde's friend of 20 years and first biographer. The Story of an Unhappy Friendship was the first of his four biogr…
The Life of Oscar Wilde

Read by Rob Marland
Robert Sherard was Oscar Wilde's friend of 20 years and first biographer. The Life of Oscar Wilde was the second of his four biographies of …
The Real Oscar Wilde

Read by Rob Marland
The Real Oscar Wilde is the third book about the Irish poet and playwright by his earliest and most prolific biographer. Since writing his e…

Oscar Wilde Twice Defended

Robert Sherard was Oscar Wilde’s friend of 20 years and first biographer. The Life of Oscar Wilde was the last of the four books he wrote ab…