My Favorite Husband

(4.7 stars; 14 reviews)

My Favorite Husband began as a radio sitcom on CBS Radio. The show starred Lucille Ball and Richard Denning as Liz and George Cooper (Liz and George Cugat in early episodes). The couple lived at 321 Bundy Drive in the ficticious city of Sheridan Falls, and were billed as "two people who live together and like it." The main sponsor was Jell-O, and an average of 3 "plugs" for Jell-O were made in each episode. The program ran from 1948 through 1951, throughout which 124 episodes were aired.

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



The Cugat's Tenth Wedding Aud Anniversary 30:00
Literary Club's Speaker Comes to Dinner 30:03
The Portrait Artist 46:45
The Charity Bazaar Kissing Booth 23:04
Liz Teaches the Samba 23:52
Liz's Mother Has Second Thoughts 30:02
Liz Has Her Fortune Told 30:08
Liz and the General 30:03
Knitting Baby Booties 46:15
Young Matron League Tryouts 28:29
George's Old Flame 24:38
Young Matrons League Game 24:35
Liz Sells Dresses 29:05
The Quiz Show 27:19
Katy and Roscoe 24:11
Learning to Drive 28:02
George Attends a Teen-Age Dance 25:20
Is There a Baby in the House 29:51
Be Your Husband's Best Friend 25:56
Liz's New Dress 29:25
Numerology 24:50
Young Matrons League Tryouts 28:29
Over Budget - Beans 27:21
Piano and Violin Lessons 17:40
Marriage License Error 23:07
The Absolute Truth 24:57
Speech for Civic Organization 31:47
Valentine's Day 37:20
Secretarial School 22:10
Absentmindedness 24:38
Mother-In-Law 39:03
Charity Review 22:09
April Fool's Day 26:20
Gum Machine - Demand Your Rights 27:50
Horseback Riding 24:51
Time Budgeting 22:28
Vacation Time 23:42
Overweight 24:57
Anniversary Presents 22:17
Getting Old 21:35
Liz in the Hospital 24:03
Hair Dyed 36:22
Television 28:51
Liz Changes Her Mind 24:28
Reminiscing 59:30
The Elves 29:35
Baseball 29:55
The Attic 27:28
Woman's Club Election 29:22
George Tries for a Raise 28:10
Television 23:19
Superstition 29:18
Halloween Surprise Party 25:46
Mother-In-Law 23:07
Baby Sitting 32:45
Katy and Mr Negley 24:27
The Quiz Show 23:50
College Homecoming 22:58
The French Lessons 44:54
George's Christmas Presents 29:46
The Sleigh Ride 29:13
Liz and George Are Handcuffed 27:17
Is There Another Woman 28:51
Liz Teaches Iris to Drive 31:46
Liz and the Green Wig 29:46
Liz Writes a Song 22:28
The Country Club Dance 23:53
Mrs Coopers Boyfriend 30:02
Liz Teaches the Samba 29:47
Liz Redecorates the House 23:46
Women's Rights Part 1 59:41
Women's Rights Part 2 59:05
The Wills 29:23
Liz's Radio Script 28:13
Hobbies 24:01
Anniversary 38:02
The Friendship Award 29:55
Spring Cleaning 25:11
Numerology 22:37
Mrs Cooper Thinks Liz Is Pregnant 30:15
Selling Dresses 29:55
George Is Messy 45:16
Liz Learns to Swim 23:39
Be a Pal 26:37
Dancing Lessons 27:41
Old Clothes Sold to the Junkman 29:45
Gossip 24:07
Liz Changes Her Mind 23:36
Liz Becomes a Sculptress 29:57
Liz Cooks Dinner for Twelve 25:52
Safety Drive 24:29
The Football Game 24:20
The Two Mrs Coopers 25:35
Liz Goes to Night School 24:28
Liz's Birthday 29:58
Trying to Marry off Peggy Martin 30:28
Trying to Cash the Prize Check 58:58
Christmas Card Pictures 28:45
The Christmas Stag 34:30
Liz Has the Flimjabs 58:56
Liz Substitutes at a Club Play 23:02
The Cuckoo Clock 28:23
Liz Stretches the Truth 24:37
George Is Drafted - Liz's Baby 24:30
Liz Develops Inferiority Complex 24:52
The Misunderstanding of the Black Eye 23:13
The Two Mothers-In-Law 50:48
The Passports 29:41
The Surprise Party 25:11
Iris and Liz's Easter 30:07


Great show

(5 stars)

Some might find it strange, but at 12 years old, I love this show. It's provided hours of entertainment for me and my mom both. I actually like it more than I Love Lucy, although that's not bad either. I've often spent hours trying to think of a character who wouldn't make much of a difference if he or she didn't exist; and I never found one. Even the characters that only appear once in the series can make hilarious quotes. There are a few mistakes in the titles, as previous reviewers have stated, but they're only minor flaws. It was on Internet Archive that my mom first played My Favorite Husband, and I've liked it since the first episode she turned on.

Liked it then

(5 stars)

I remember catching this show on the radio. Can't tell you how racy and scandalous the show's name, "My Favorite Husband", used to feel. Liked it then, but was only able to listen to a very few episodes, I'd guess two or three. It was on a CBS station, I remember that, around the middle of the dial, maybe 1050 or so. That was roughly 65 years ago. ... Anyway here now on the internet I find it's a good show - that it was quite good. I would put it in a category of bearable, survivable, radio shows along with “Fibber Mcgee and Molly.” It's a good show, and, of course, Lucille Ball, who became a superstar, well, that gives it even more meaning nowadays. Plus, she was actually good in this radio program, a good voice actress for the role.

No Ethel, Fred or Ricky but still interesting in its own way

(4 stars)

Some of these shows are almost to the word the same as the later TV show "I Love Lucy". About half of the shows have the same plots as the TV show. The TV show is an improvement over this show as the husband in this series was kind of dull and worked at a bank, unlike Ricky Ricardo, and in this show they lived in a house instead of an apartment building and for some reason had a maid even though there were no kids. But it's really interesting to see this early rendition of "I Love Lucy" before TV came onto the scene.

Name Goof

(5 stars)

I absolutely love this program. It reminds me so much of I Love Lucy and really gets your imagination working. My only thing is in the begin of the Radio series they call them Liz and George Cogot and all of the sudden they are Liz and George Copper. Am I the only one who noticed that?

Love the show; Error in the listings

(5 stars)

I love MFH, and this is a great repository. However, the episode titled "Liz Has Her Fortune Told" is actually "Liz Has Her Portrait Painted". As far as I know, "Liz Has Her Fortune Told" is one of the few episodes for which no audio currently exists on the 'net, unfortunately.

Fun Radio Series

(5 stars)

I've only listened to two broadcasts so far, But I enjoyed both of them. This radio series was later turned into the popular TV series "I Love Lucy". Very enjoyable if you liked that TV series, and a great way to introduce somebody to Old Time Radio.

My Favorite Husband - The Cartoon

(0 stars)

Some talented person has made a cartoon of the 1949 Christmas episode of "My Favorite Husband": The animation is actually superior to that of some of the kid's shows they make for TV.

Messed Up Zip!!

(0 stars)

Why does this zip file only have one show in it? Hopefully they will get this fixed so that all episodes can be downloaded at once!!