1941-01-02 NBCR H V Kaltenborn Edits The News
14:14 |
With The News
0:26 |
On German Air Attacks
0:27 |
1941-02-09 BBC Winston Churchill - Give Us The Tools
36:28 |
1941-03-xx RSH Lord Haw Haw - La Tribuna Denies German Aims In Balkans
0:37 |
1941-04-27 BBC Winston Churchill - Westward Look The Land Is Bright
27:27 |
1941-05-18 NBC Walter Winchell
15:26 |
1941-05-24 RRG German Announcment Sinking of HMS Hood
0:24 |
1941-05-27 FDR Fireside Chat On Pan American Unity
33:02 |
On Sinking Of Bismark
0:43 |
1941-05-31 BBC Workers Playtime Signature Tune
0:53 |
1941-06-01 BBC Clothes Rationing Announcement
0:42 |
1941-06-01 CBS Elmer Davis On Columbias War Coverage
14:17 |
1941-06-12 BBC Winston Churchill - Until Victory Is Won
4:49 |
1941-06-16 BBC Winston Churchill - Broadcast To America
3:02 |
1941-06-22 BBC Winston Churchill - Germany Invades Russia
18:58 |
reports on German Invasion
0:20 |
1941-06-27 BBC Douglas Ritchie aka Colonel Britton On The V-Campaign
0:45 |
1941-06-28 BBCD Erkennungsmelodie
0:46 |
Addresses Natio
1:05 |
On Peroration
0:55 |
1941-07-09 RRG PG Wodehouse Second Broadcast Segment
0:36 |
1941-07-14 BBC General DeGaulle Urges America To Join The Allies
4:22 |
1941-07-14 BBC Winston Churchill - Do Your Worst Well Do Our Best
7:10 |
1941-07-23 Wendell Wilkie Calls For End Of US Isolationism
3:37 |
1941-07-29 BBC Winston Churchill - War Production
10:25 |
1941-08-14 BBC Winston Churchill - The Atlantic Charter
2:44 |
1941-08-24 BBC Winston Churchill - Meeting With President Roosevelt
32:06 |
1941-08-29 BBC Winston Churchill - These Are Great Days
4:05 |
1941-08-xx MBS Wise Williams On Fighting In Russia
14:17 |
1941-09-05 BBC Frank Phillips
0:23 |
Air Raid On Berlin
0:30 |
1941-09-09 BBC Winston Churchill - Still Masters Of Our Fate
19:57 |
1941-09-11 Lindberghs America First Committee Speech in Des Moines Iowa
9:18 |
1941-10-03 RRG Adolf Hitler - Speech On Finland
0:26 |
1941-10-22 BBCD Hugh Carleton Green - No Peace With Hitler
0:33 |
On Capture of Blockade Runner Odenwald In Atlantic
0:24 |
1941-11-07 BBC Winston Churchill - The Resolution Of The People
2:52 |
With A Convoy In Atlantic
1:28 |
1941-11-29 BBC Winston Churchill - Address To Harrow School
4:16 |
1941-12-06 CBS World News Today
14:40 |
1941-12-07 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade
28:41 |
1941-12-07 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
0:32 |
1941-12-07 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin
0:23 |
1941-12-07 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War
31:00 |
1941-12-07 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
0:41 |
1941-12-07 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDRs Next Steps
6:18 |
On British Reaction
1:10 |
1941-12-07 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors
0:13 |
1941-12-07 1452 NBC Burma Bombed
0:43 |
1941-12-07 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted
17:22 |
1941-12-07 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn
14:08 |
1941-12-07 1530 NBCR Listen America
25:59 |
1941-12-07 1600 NBCB National Vespers
24:19 |
1941-12-07 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report
3:07 |
1941-12-07 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis
29:11 |
1941-12-07 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson and Robert S Allen Commentary
14:54 |
1941-12-07 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt
14:39 |
1941-12-07 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show
29:35 |
1941-12-07 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program
29:34 |
1941-12-07 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round
28:45 |
1941-12-07 2115 NBCB Parker Family
15:01 |
1941-12-07 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm
29:45 |
1941-12-07 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes
29:18 |
1941-12-07 2300 NBCR News
14:25 |
1941-12-07 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion
28:24 |
Japanese Attacks In The Pacific
0:58 |
Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack
0:52 |
1941-12-07 CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla
3:19 |
1941-12-07 CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu
1:05 |
1941-12-07 CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin
0:47 |
Reports Pearl Harbor Attack
2:21 |
1941-12-07 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins
17:22 |
Interrupts Football Game
0:30 |
1941-12-07 MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor
0:18 |
1941-12-07 NBC American Legion Special Defense Message
14:19 |
1941-12-07 NBC News Bulletins
3:40 |
Declares War On The Allies
0:14 |
1941-12-07 WNYC Fiorello La Guardia
8:37 |
Reports Manila Bombing
0:32 |
1941-12-08 0100 NBCR News and Music
25:42 |
1941-12-08 1045 NBCB Familar Melodies
14:58 |
1941-12-08 1100 NBCR Story Of Mary Marlin
14:09 |
1941-12-08 1150 CBS Joint Congress Session - Declaration Of War Proceedings
1:09:09 |
1941-12-08 1240 NBCR Coverage After FDRs Speech To Congress
32:38 |
1941-12-08 1330 NBCR Irving Miller Lets Sing And Swing
14:26 |
1941-12-08 1345 NBCR News Bert Silan And Upton Close
14:19 |
1941-12-08 2130 NBCB News
29:20 |
On Far East Attacks
0:44 |
1941-12-08 BBC Winston Churchill - War With Japan
21:09 |
1941-12-08 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manila
8:37 |
1941-12-08 CBS News
27:46 |
Speech To Joint Session Of Congress
4:47 |
1941-12-08 Introduction Then FDRs Day Of Infamy Speech
7:36 |
1941-12-08 NBCR News With John W Vandercook
13:19 |
1941-12-09 CBS World News Today
14:44 |
1941-12-09 FDR Fireside Chat
28:04 |
On Japanese Attacks In Phillipines
4:02 |
1941-12-10 CBS Three Front War Summary
16:17 |
1941-12-11 CBS Congress Declares War On Germany
12:49 |
1941-12-11 EIAR Benito Mussolini - Discorso
0:33 |
Dichiarazione di Guerra agli USA
0:04 |
1941-12-11 NBC March of Time Pearl Harbor
23:42 |
1941-12-23 Fall Of Wake Island
0:29 |
1941-12-24 BBC Winston Churchill - The White House Christmas Tree
3:57 |
1941-12-24 FDR Christmas Broadcast
4:24 |
1941-12-24 MBS White House Christmas Tree Ceremony
30:16 |
1941-12-28 RSH Lord Haw Haw - Germany Calling Part 1
13:13 |
1941-12-28 RSH Lord Haw Haw - Germany Calling Part 2
11:53 |
1941-12-30 CBC Winston Churchill - Preparation Liberation Assault
40:07 |
1941-xx-xx California Governor Olson On Japanese Residents
1:14 |
1941-xx-xx Charles Lindbergh On US Non-Intervention
0:27 |
410105 BBC Bruce Belfrage
0:26 |
410110 BBC Alan Howland
0:27 |
410524 BBC German Announcment - Sinking HMS Hood
0:49 |
410531 BBC 1st Sea Lord A V Alexander Sinking of Bismark
0:43 |
410622 Churchill on Hitler Guttersnipe Invades Russia
0:47 |
410905 BBC Frank Phillips
0:23 |
410908 BBC Alvar Liddell Air Raid on Berlin
0:30 |
411226 Churchhill to Congress
1:17 |