Three Sunsets and Other Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(3 stars; 3 reviews)

Lewis Carroll's most enduring works are the Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, but he also wrote some very interesting poetry. The poems in this particular volume are called "serious" in the preface, and though they are written in Lewis Carroll's accessible style, they are addressed to adults, with many of the poems having themes such as love and death. - Summary by Carolin (0 hr 55 min)


Preface 2:22 Read by BettyB
Three Sunsets 6:32 Read by Gaby
The Path of Roses 6:52 Read by Algy Pug
The Valley of the Shadow of Death 7:03 Read by OCTL7
Solitude 2:27 Read by Gaby
Far Away 1:42 Read by Algy Pug
Beatrice 3:28 Read by Algy Pug
Stolen Waters 6:15 Read by Alexa B.
The Willow-Tree 1:37 Read by BettyB
Only a Woman's Hair 2:24 Read by Algy Pug
The Sailor's Wife 3:39 Read by Algy Pug
After Three Days 4:03 Read by Michael Lucas
Faces in the Fire 1:56 Read by Jessi McDaniel
A Lesson in Latin 1:24 Read by Algy Pug
Puck Lost and Found 1:33 Read by Michael Lucas
A Song of Love 2:30 Read by Gaby