The Wings of the Dove

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(3.1 stars; 18 reviews)

"The Wings of the Dove," published in 1902, represents to my memory a very old--if I shouldn't perhaps rather say a very young--motive; I can scarce remember the time when the situation on which this long-drawn fiction mainly rests was not vividly present to me. The idea, reduced to its essence, is that of a young person conscious of a great capacity for life, but early stricken and doomed, condemned to die under short respite, while also enamoured of the world; aware moreover of the condemnation and passionately desiring to "put in" before extinction as many of the finer vibrations as possible, and so achieve, however briefly and brokenly, the sense of having lived. (summary taken from the Preface by Henry James) (20 hr 11 min)


Preface 50:26 Read by Aaron Elliott
Book First, Chapter 1 35:03 Read by Elizabeth Klett
Book First, Chapter 2 30:20 Read by Elizabeth Klett
Book Second, Chapter 1 48:43 Read by hefyd
Book Second, Chapter 2 44:35 Read by hefyd
Book Third, Chapter 1 44:41 Read by hefyd
Book Third, Chapter 2 27:45 Read by hefyd
Book Fourth, Chapter 1 33:40 Read by Elizabeth Klett
Book Fourth, Chapter 2 29:02 Read by texttalker
Book Fourth, Chapter 3 37:13 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 1 20:40 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 2 24:49 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 3 33:09 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 4 29:27 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 5 25:11 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 6 27:09 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Fifth, Chapter 7 32:18 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Sixth, Chapter 1 21:40 Read by krithiga
Book Sixth, Chapter 2 24:32 Read by Arfuhrm
Book Sixth, Chapter 3 28:02 Read by S. Young
Book Sixth, Chapter 4 32:37 Read by S. Young
Book Sixth, Chapter 5 51:02 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Seventh, Chapter 1 40:43 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Seventh, Chapter 2 20:43 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Seventh, Chapter 3 30:09 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Seventh, Chapter 4 40:34 Read by Lars Rolander (1942-2016)
Book Eighth, Chapter 1 24:13 Read by Marion Slawson
Book Eighth, Chapter 2 26:54 Read by Jennifer Stearns
Eighth, Chapter 3 51:20 Read by Jennifer Stearns
Book Ninth, Chapter 1 21:27 Read by Christine Blachford
Book Ninth, Chapter 2 26:16 Read by Christine Blachford
Ninth, Chapter 3 30:09 Read by Christine Blachford
Book Ninth, Chapter 4 20:57 Read by Christine Blachford
Tenth, Chapter 1 30:03 Read by Janna
Book Tenth, Chapter 2 32:23 Read by Roger Melin
Tenth, Chapter 3 18:26 Read by Janna
Book Tenth, Chapter 4 20:18 Read by Janna
Book Tenth, Chapter 5 16:47 Read by Janna
Book Tenth, Chapter 6 27:36 Read by Janna


Simply fabulous!

(4.5 stars)

A few poor readings kept this from being five stars. James’s complex prose requires your full attention, and if you can’t understand the reader, making sense of what is going on becomes difficult. The basic plot is really easy to follow, and there are enough twists and turns to really hold your interest. I love the ending. As I have written before in reviewing James, try to listen at times that you can really devote your attention to the words and the mental pictures James creates.

Quite nice readings

(3 stars)

Excellent book. Quite nice readings. There is one which sounds metallic and difficult to follow.