On the Red Staircase

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

"“The Czarevitch Ivan is said to be indifferent to the high office,” I replied, in a low tone; “he is blind.”

“Ay, and deformed!” said the Russian, promptly. “Yet will the people of Russia demand the recognition of primogeniture. Court intrigues cannot prevail. What a flimsy pretext was this election! The States-General of Russia elected Michael Romanof; the Czar Shuisky fell because he was elected by Moscow alone; and this is not the Moscovite State, but the rabble of the city, and the retainers of the boyars! The Miloslavskys are down to-day, but who dares to predict for to-morrow?”"

A fictional account of the turmoil following the death of Czar Alexis, when Russians were forced to choose between the traditional rule of primogeniture, in the form of the deficient Ivan, and his more suitable but younger half-brother, Peter. - Summary by LynneT (6 hr 53 min)


The Rabble Elect a Czar 13:53 Read by Lynne T
Mademoiselle’s Glove 16:11 Read by ChoeChoco
The Story of Cain 14:18 Read by Cbteddy
The Shadows on the Wall 11:36 Read by ToniaManley
Zénaïde 12:50 Read by Yi Fan
A Kitchen Feud 14:15 Read by Lynne T
A Czar’s Funeral 12:58 Read by Cbteddy
The Assassin 12:47 Read by Cbteddy
Sophia Alexeievna 14:27 Read by ToddHW
The Packet 12:17 Read by Cbteddy
The Rescue 12:40 Read by Cbteddy
Pravezh 13:40 Read by ruthruby
Prince Basil Galitsyn 12:38 Read by Lynne T
Mademoiselle Eudoxie’s Window 17:08 Read by ruthruby
The Flight 16:27 Read by tshoes76
The Audience-Chamber 13:48 Read by TGSnyder
The Secret Staircase 17:09 Read by Christine Rottger
Feodor Sergheievitch Ramodanofsky 14:14 Read by ruthruby
Polotsky 13:51 Read by ruthruby
A Friendly Cup 15:31 Read by Gila Labinger Freeberg
The Prisoner 15:07 Read by tshoes76
Baffled 13:08 Read by tshoes76
Homyak 19:35 Read by tshoes76
The Red Staircase 11:32 Read by Mel
In the Face of Death 17:30 Read by tshoes76
Love and Fire 11:45 Read by tshoes76
Michael’s Revenge 14:53 Read by tshoes76
Madame von Gaden 11:42 Read by tshoes76
A Desperate Defense 6:44 Read by Lynne T
A Solemn Betrothal 8:27 Read by KevinS