Yiddish Tales (יידיש מעשה)
Varioustranslated Byhelena Frank
Read by Adrian Praetzellis

A collection of 48 wonderful English language stories from Sholem Alechem, I. L. Perez, Shalom Asch, and others. Tales of humour and drama, tragedy and pathos set mostly in the Jewish communities of 19th-century eastern Europe, Russia, and the Ukraine. Translated from Yiddish by Helena Frank. (Summary by Adrian Praetzellis)
Proof-listening by Ans Wink, K. Fowler, & Aron Horovitz (18 hr 15 min)
A window into a lost culture

Great human stories with sly humor, delivered by a great reader who can vary dialog voices a bit without being distracting.
interesting stories

Bradley Modean
Mr Adrian is one of the top readers on librovox. a pleasure to listen to.

Adrian's reading makes them too real. I got a little depressed. I still mostly enjoy the stories
Echoes of a vanished culture

Wonderful stories rich in laughter and pathos. Excellent reading.

Patrick mcglone
very good well done all the best from pat

Beautiful stories from past times. Beautiful reading.

Great storys with awesome reader.