Sense and Sensibility

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.2 stars; 86 reviews)

The two eldest Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne, one of whom (Elinor) embraces practicality and restraint while the other (Marianne) gives her whole heart to every endeavor. When the Dashwoods - mother Mrs. Dashwood, Elinor, Marianne, and youngest sister Margaret - are sent, almost impoverished, to a small cottage in Devonshire after the death of their father and the machinations of their brother's wife, they accept their new circumstances with as much cheer as they can muster even though their brother and his wife have taken over the family estate and fortune. Marianne finds herself falling in love with the dashing Willoughby, who ends up being not all that he appears. Elinor, the more sensible of the two, falls for Edward Ferrars, a match that seems much more suitable. All of these pleasant connections are, however, soon disrupted. Willoughby leaves and ignores Marianne. Elinor finds out an unexpected secret about Ferrars that puts her on her caution in pursuing their relationship. As these complications develop, Marianne soon finds herself distraught despite having attracted another suitor, the reliable, but older, Colonel Brandon. Elinor steps into the breach to try to help her sister regain her equilibrium. Both learn what a broken heart can feel like and adjust in their own separate ways. Since this is an Austen novel and a romance, be assured that all comes right in the end. (Summary by Michelle Crandall) (0 hr 11 min)


Chapter 01 9:37 Read by Michelle Crandall
Chapter 02 11:22 Read by Michelle Crandall
Chapter 03 9:32 Read by Michelle Crandall
Chapter 04 13:25 Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Chapter 05 7:28 Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Chapter 06 7:51 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 07 7:43 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 08 7:35 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 09 10:43 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 10 13:46 Read by Judy Bieber
Chapter 11 8:33 Read by Kymm Zuckert
Chapter 12 9:32 Read by Kymm Zuckert
Chapter 13 13:45 Read by Susan Denney
Chapter 14 8:46 Read by Calliope
Chapter 15 16:48 Read by Sarah Key-DeLyria
Chapter 16 12:09 Read by Larysa Jaworski
Chapter 17 9:30 Read by Larysa Jaworski
Chapter 18 8:39 Read by Heather Barnett
Chapter 19 16:20 Read by Heather Barnett
Chapter 20 14:05 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 21 17:01 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 22 16:21 Read by Larysa Jaworski
Chapter 23 14:33 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 24 13:01 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 25 13:26 Read by Susan Denney
Chapter 26 12:43 Read by featherheadfop
Chapter 27 12:10 Read by featherheadfop
Chapter 28 7:19 Read by featherheadfop
Chapter 29 21:03 Read by Kristen McQuillin
Chapter 30 15:32 Read by Kristen McQuillin
Chapter 31 20:52 Read by Kristen McQuillin
Chapter 32 17:10 Read by Patricia Oakley
Chapter 33 19:44 Read by Patricia Oakley
Chapter 34 17:05 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 35 14:25 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 36 17:30 Read by Tina Tilney
Chapter 37 28:47 Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Chapter 38 18:56 Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Chapter 39 11:30 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 40 14:31 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 41 14:49 Read by Kirsten Ferreri
Chapter 42 11:35 Read by Sharmini Kumar
Chapter 43 21:15 Read by Sharmini Kumar
Chapter 44 33:48 Read by Michelle Crandall
Chapter 45 12:54 Read by Michelle Crandall
Chapter 46 21:10 Read by Patricia Oakley
Chapter 47 17:32 Read by Patricia Oakley
Chapter 48 10:10 Read by Patricia Oakley
Chapter 49 29:04 Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Chapter 50 18:04 Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)


Too many readers

(1.5 stars)

This version is read by far too many people. You ought to get accustomed to one voice then it changes. No to mention some readings to be comical, with the reader trying to "act" the characters with different voices and some readings were quite unbearable to listen.

(1 stars)

Couldn't get past chapter 15. I did not enjoy the reading. I've just started listening to version 4. It's excellent.

Nice book and reading, though using some expedients

(3 stars)

Totally agree with the previous comment, though I think that a few bad read chapters(26.27.28), hurriedly read that is, could not much influence the good value and prize of the whole book, achieved through the great efforts of many other volunteers. As a remedy for those few chapters I listened to the always good mark's smith reading of this novel: and all was fine. Good thing we have a choice. Enjoy!

Hodge Podge

(2 stars)

I found it difficult to listen to this version. There were so many varying readers that by the time I was familiar with a reader, it changed. There were a wide range of lisps, accents, and speeds that were not pleasant to listen to. I took the recommendation of the first 2 comments and must agree.

Nice to listen to while knitting

(5 stars)

Though I don’t think that Sense and Sensibility is quite as good as Pride and Prejudice, I really enjoyed the audiobook, especially to knit to. It’s a very relaxing novel. The only issue I had was the number of different voices narrating, but this is still an amazing and FREE resource

...But for those who like faster paced reading,

(4 stars)

and fall asleep with just one voice reading the whole thing, it could be (: a good option.

(4.5 stars)

still wish Marianne had married wiloughby tho . it is a good book and readers are easy to understand


(4 stars)

read well by each narrator, but change invoice an accent from chapter to chapter somewhat distracting