The Wolf-Leader

Read by John Van Stan

(4.4 stars; 113 reviews)

(8 hr 22 min)


Introduction 50:18 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 1 19:31 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 2 24:56 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 3 20:59 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 4 19:37 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 5 19:37 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 6 18:11 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 7 18:29 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 8 15:52 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 9 17:41 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 10 17:50 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 11 22:23 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 12 29:06 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 13 24:20 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 14 17:07 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 15 13:48 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 16 17:47 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 17 16:12 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 18 12:50 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 19 16:01 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 20 19:42 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 21 27:19 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 22 11:49 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 23 15:00 Read by John Van Stan
Chapter 24 15:44 Read by John Van Stan


Forest spooks

(5 stars)

When you live next to a big forest and you're somewhat familiar with France, there seems to be a chord this book strikes that would be very difficult for most contemporary authors to duplicate. Also this story leads the reader down the slow psychological path from general good nature to the left handed path of evil. The descent along with the sinister forest backdrop make this one of the best horror/thriller reads I've come across in a long time.

A Werewolf Story

(5 stars)

Well read story about following your base urges to their logical conclusion.


(5 stars)

very good story. Try to do the right thing. Be happy with what you have. A very good lesson. The story is very different than other Dumas stories. I did like it a lot.

love it love it love it.

(5 stars)


(5 stars)

Wow! I never thought of a story like this from Dumas. It is masterful, and it is so well read. a master tale of one's constant struggle against self centered greed.

A very different Dumas

(4 stars)

This is a guge departure from works like the Three Musketeers. Well worth a listen

Good Story

(5 stars)

Story that tries to expose the lie that the end justifies the means.

(4 stars)

Thank you for an enjoyable reading of an interesting work of fiction