
Read by Robin Cotter

(4.5 stars; 52 reviews)

The story is one of only two novels by Wharton to be set in New England. The novel details the sexual awakening of its protagonist, Charity Royall, and shares many plot similarities with Wharton's better known novel, Ethan Frome. Only moderately well-received when originally published, Summer has had a resurgence in critical popularity since the 1960's. (Summary by Wikipedia) (5 hr 39 min)


Chapter 01 16:44 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 02 19:02 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 03 11:48 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 04 7:50 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 05 17:27 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 06 24:17 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 07 22:53 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 08 17:55 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 09 20:48 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 10 14:53 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 11 17:46 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 12 23:54 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 13 12:59 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 14 14:06 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 15 31:04 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 16 25:49 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 17 18:03 Read by Robin Cotter
Chapter 18 22:33 Read by Robin Cotter


(5 stars)

A touching story of life's complexities, those that we do to ourselves and those that others do to us. Very well read

Unusual story, great reader

(3.5 stars)

Just the right length - gives lots of insight into Charity's views at this critical period of her life, but I like how much remains vague and uncertain. Both a celebration of independence and a trajedy of social pressures

(4 stars)

A charming novel ~ Edith Wharton never disappoints! Easy listening....


(5 stars)

Robin Cotter did an excellent job.

Good reader, interesting piece of literature

(4 stars)

The book was beautifully written and well read. The plot gave me the heebie jeebies. Not sure if this was normal back then. Probably looking at this story from a modern lens. By today's standards, it's ghastly to think about this.