Fibber McGee and Molly 1944

Fibber McGee and Molly 1944
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Best Of the Comedy Shows

These were the Best of times in 1944 For radio that is. We were still at war over seas in this time but some how Hollywood seem to give us the best in good times in radio. For a while we seem to forget the rough times that were going on over seas , However we can never forget the men and woman fighting for our freedom over seas during then and now. Picture yourself sitting faceing the big wooden console radio or maybe sitting in a chait while the radio was on top of the table these little gems were table radios usually wood and bakelite up til I think 1949. however you look at it Fibber Mcgee & Molly were the geatest I think but I have many Favorites shows that were on the radio. but thats another story.
Fibber Magee and Molly

My enjoyment of Fibber Magee and Molly didn't get started until 1954. I was 10 years old and we had one of the first zenith portable radios that ran on tubes. To find those 65 programs here for that year, has been a real treat for me. Especially to find a program that was dated four days just before I was born - April 8, 1944 - and entitled "Fibber returns from Hospital". What a coincidental title. Thank you so much for all the time and effect that you put into putting all these wonderful classics in one place.
Quiz Show: Smokes for Folks! Heavenly days!
LibriVox populi (vivia)

Great period piece of 1944: war shortages, doctor heartwarmingly addicted to cigarettes, radio quiz shows, and Waxy Harlow Wilcox flogging Johnson's wax for everything from your asphalt to your fridge! You could do worse things with your time than than go back and listen from this show's pilot in 1935 to its end in 1959. Great idea! I think I'll take myself up on that! Did you know they were a real couple, childhood sweethearts Jim and Marian from Peoria ILL no less. Heavenly !