World English Bible
Gelesen von Winfred Wardell Henson
World English Bible

The Holy Bible derived from the American Standard Bible of 1901. - Summary by Winfred Wardell Henson (99 hr 45 min)
Micah 1-7, Nahum 1-3, Habakkuk 1-3, Zephaniah 1-3, Haggai 1-2
Read by Winfred Wardell Henson
First Corinthians 15-16, Second Corinthians 1-13, Galatians 1-4
Read by Winfred Wardell Henson
Galatians 5-6, Ephesians 1-6, Philippians 1-4, Colossians 1-4, First Thessaloni…
Read by Winfred Wardell Henson
Second Thessalonians 1-3, First Timothy 1-6, Second Timothy 1-4, Titus 1-3, Phi…
Read by Winfred Wardell Henson
Second Peter 1-3, First John 1-5, Second John 1, Third John 1, Jude 1, Revelati…
Read by Winfred Wardell Henson
Good listen, great readers!
Regan Allender

Since I was a very little girl, I have always been taught that faith comes by hearing as well as doing. I listen to this book all the time! I really love it as I'm going to sleep, puts my mind in a very peaceful place right before I go to sleep for the night! Thank you Lord ford all You do in my life every single day!
Racheal Aymar

A most ridiculous choice in how to read the Bible, an equally ridiculous voice choice is made by the KJV able via Librevox, so I can’t say much
Good, but...

I do enjoy the reading, but the way the narrator says “Yahweh” bothers me. First, using Yahweh in place of YHWH or יהוה is a no-no. In English Bibles it’s usually replaced with Jehovah, also a no-no from a Hebrew perspective. Using “God” would have been fine (although it’s obviously determined by the translation). In Jewish Bibles it’s replaced with Adonai or HaShem. Also the way the narrator says the word reminds me of a character in Star Wars or something. The other thing is the change in voice when reading God’s words. All in all, It’s a major feat to read the entire Bible and I commend him.
Yah's Word is like a fire. A hammer that breaks in pieces. Jerimiah 23:29
George Washington Dotcom

Wow. Yah's Word read by a (likely) descendant of Jacob. He did an excellent job! His readings are like a very satisfying meal. Hope I can talk him into doing it again using our Father's real name: YAH, and perhaps his favorite title, Vah. (YHVH) It means, in His original picture language, 'Behold Arm, Behold Nail', 'Behold the eternal CREATOR, who is holding it ALL together.' Winfred, NICE work! Yah has given you a gift! Thanks for working to get it to us all!
the word of God
angus Raff-Tierney

well there are a few slow points where it just continues to list genealogy or place names that can't be discerned from any other source, It still has some of the greatest stories of Western literature and some great moral teachings and codes to live by.
Huge Effort

I’m amazed that one narrator read the entire Bible as a labour of love. Thank you so much. This isn’t a translation that I was previously familiar with, but I am nonetheless grateful that I could listen to it.

A great read. Great narration, only gripe is the voice changing during Yahweh's speech. Other than that it's great!

easy to listen and very clear voice. nice work