Meditations on First Philosophy
Gelesen von D.E. Wittkower
René Descartes

After several years working on a treatise putting forth his mechanistic philosophy and physics, Descartes shelved the project when his contemporary, Galileo, was charged with heresy. That work, The World, was only published after Descartes’ death. It seems that Descartes must have had this, in part at least, in mind when writing his more famous philosophical works. This is especially clear in the Meditations, not only in the obsequiousness of the Letter of Dedication, but also in the specific mode of argument, which does not seek merely to found science upon grounds acceptable to religious authority, but to specifically found a mathematical science; one which clearly privileges mathematical demonstrations even over common sense judgments based upon everyday and constant experience. His Copernicanism, put forth posthumously in The World, would require just such a defense.
The Meditations are a central work of early modern philosophy, and play a crucial role in the conceptual development of basic perspectives and problems in the Western tradition, including substance dualism, external world skepticism, and the modern notion of the subject.
(Description by D.E. Wittkower) (3 hr 29 min)
Meditation II: Of the Nature of the Human Mind; And that it is More Easily Kno…
Read by D.E. Wittkower
Meditation V: Of the Essence of Material Things; And, Again, Of God; That He E…
Read by D.E. Wittkower
Meditation VI: Of the Existence of Material Things, And of the Real Distinctio…
Read by D.E. Wittkower
Well Read!
Alessandro Serenelli

Reading a philosophical text aloud and making it both interesting and easy to follow is no easy task. This reader does an excellent job of presenting one of the most revolutionary works of philosophy ever written. This is a good recording for anyone interested in studying philosophy.
Well done

The somber, contemplative tone of our reader's voice complements the nuanced message in the author's words. Well done.
Frustratingly brief.
Misery Loves

I very much enjoyed this recording, and am happy it is so accessible. I get a lot more out of Descartes knowing the like of Spinoza and Kant--but overall this is an excellent read in itself.
Interesting perspectives especially given when it was written.
Sandi Hryhor

I thought the reader was perfect for the text.
good book well read
Thiago Coelho

I wish someone would read the objections and replies
Very Clear
Todd Decker

Sounded very professional. Very clear and comprehensible.
well read, great text

thanks to the reader!
Very well read

Fantastic reading. Very easy listening.