Oliver Twist
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Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist is an 1838 novel by Charles Dickens. It was originally published as a serial.
Like most of Dickens' work, the book is used to call the public's attention to various contemporary social evils, including the workhouse, child labour and the recruitment of children as criminals. The novel is full of sarcasm and dark humour, even as it treats its serious subject, revealing the hypocrisies of the time.
It has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations, and the basis for a highly successful British musical, Oliver!. (Summary from Wikipedia) (17 hr 1 min)
Reviewers here mirror Dickens
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Funny how the personalities who review here are like Dickens characters: some sweet, some not at all, some clueless and voluble, greedy and dissatisfied; and dare I say intolerant? Having read A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, And Nicholas Nickleby just prior to this, I noticed this in those LV books too. Esp the Ralph Nicklebys who think LibriVox should supply a free book a month like amazon prime! All Librivox productions are free and made by volunteers, people. And the Mr. Bumbles who verbally whip the VOLUNTEER readers! The Scrooges who kick the gift horse in the teeth. Meanies humbug!! LVox volunteers, please may we have some more?
Very good
Evan M

Never really had an interest in the story, but then I realized I didn't know anything about it besides the famous line. The first part of the story is very vexing for the injustices against Oliver. But as the story develops it becomes very interesting. The readers did a very good job. Some extra well. Though a couple were almost intolerable

It's a very well read book and follows to the way Charles Dickens wanted it to sound. However, because of the tone the readers voice is, in some places it's quite interesting to listen to but in other places, it seems to drag on for what seems like ages. If I was on a show I would give it a 7/10 which is OK-right. Overall good book but wouldn't listen to it again-sorry.
Oliver Twist

All of the readers who contributed to this Oliver Twist speak clearly, but anyone considering this download should know that the gender and accents of the readers change from chapter to chapter (and the accents are not necessarily English accents but German, American, and so on).
Great read!
Anakin Skywalker

This was an amazing book! May The Force Be With You!
Julia R.

I have put off reading this book until almost my 7th decade of life, because I couldn’t stand reading about the evil done to helpless children and others in poverty. Glad I finally read it. What a great story! Thank you, Mr. Dickens, for bringing such horrible conditions out into the light of day, and for taking us on an interesting journey of outlandish character studies along the way. The various narrators were excellent.

A good Book! some of the readers were hard to hear and understand.
loved the story.onlý 3 readers need more work
S. Culp