Writing & Linguistics

English Synonyms and Antonyms

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

James Champlin Fernald

English Synonyms and Antonyms is basically a vocabulary builder that students might use as they prepare for entrance or exit exams. Each ent…

English as She is Wrote

Read by TriciaG

William James Mcglothlin

"...Showing Curious ways in which the English Language may be made to convey Ideas or obscure them." A collection of unintentional…

Estudio sobre el arte de hablar en público

Read by Tux

Louis Bautain

El autor de este tratado de oratoria, uno de los individuos mas respetados y que figura entre los tres ó cuatro oradores y pensadores…

Stops, or How to Punctuate

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Paul Allardyce

Throughout the ages, languages continue to adapt and change. English, being a relatively new language, is a nice example of that. Though the…

Write it Right

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Ambrose Bierce

Witty, opinionated alphabetical examples of what Bierce considered poor (American) English and advice on alternatives - entertaining, though…

The Philosophy of Style

Read by Gary Gilberd

Herbert Spencer

“The Philosophy of Style,” explored a growing trend of formalist approaches to writing. Highly focused on the proper placement and ordering …

How to Write a Novel

Read by Brett W. Downey

William James Mcglothlin

I address myself to the man or woman of talent—those people who have writing ability, but who need instruction in the manipulation of charac…

The Awful German Language (version 2)

Read by Kirsten Wever

Mark Twain

This long essay is a work of mock philology, one of several appendices to Twain’s travel novel, A Tramp Abroad. In it, Twain explains, compl…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Cratylus (ΚΡΑΤΥΛΟΣ) discusses whether things have names by mere convention or have true names which can only be correctly applied to the obj…

Dialogo delle lingue

Read by Riccardo Fasol

Sperone Speroni

Pubblicato nel 1542, questo dialogo espone le teorie sulla lingua italiana che, già dal secolo precedente, presero forma, cercando di…

Mark Twain's Speeches, Part 2

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

This collection of the 195 known, publicly-printed speeches of Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was compiled by Paul Fatout and publish…

A Cursory History of Swearing

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Julian Sharman

This is a very readable scientific account of Swearing and Cursing in the English Language. Not only is an enlightening historical account g…

The American Language

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. L. Mencken

"It was part of my daily work, for a good many years, to read the principal English newspapers and reviews; it has been part of my work…

The Raven and The Philosophy Of Composition

Read by David Wales

Edgar Allan Poe

Poe’s famous narrative poem and the author’s reflections on its composition. (David Wales)

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book IV

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Locke

This is the fourth book of John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. His book deals with knowledge and probability. He asks how far…

The English Language

Read by Barbara Baker

Logan Pearsall Smith

A description and history of the development of the English Language and reflections on the influences that changed the language. - Summary …

The Technique of the Mystery Story

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Carolyn Wells

For one, I have never been one of those who apologize for my frank and never-ending delight in mystery stories. Their mazes have led me unwe…

English as She is Spoke

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Pedro Carolino

English as She is Spoke is a 19th century Portuguese-to-English phrasebook that has become a classic of absurdist humor, owing chiefly to th…

The Verbalist

Read by Bill Boerst

Alfred Ayres

Osmun arranges usage problems alphabetically and treats certain areas in greater detail as he sees fit. For example, his first entry is A-AN…

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Book III

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Locke

This is the third book of John Locke's Essay on Human Understanding. Book I was Neither Principles Nor Ideas Are Innate. Book II was Of Idea…

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