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Chapter 23

In The Getting of Wisdom

Read by Cori Samuel

Henry Handel Richardson

The Getting of Wisdom tells the story of Laura Rambotham, a 12-year-old girl who is just starting at her boarding school. This is based on H…

Bk 4: Section IV, and Song IV: The Unreasonableness of Hatred

In The Consolation of Philosophy

Read by Cori Samuel

Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (transl. James) and Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

Consolation of Philosophy (Latin: Consolatio Philosophiae) is a philosophical work by Boethius written in about the year 524 AD. It has been…

Why the Dream Disguises the Desires

In Dream Psychology

Read by Cori Samuel

Sigmund Freud

Not a few serious-minded students, [...], have been discouraged from attempting a study of Freud's dream psychology. The book in which he or…

13 - Two Angelic Faces.

In Twenty Years After

Read by Cori Samuel

Alexandre Dumas

Let's continue the D'Artagnan Romances that we've already started with The Three Musketeers.

The System of Government

In History of Holland

Read by Cori Samuel

George Edmundson

The title, "History of Holland," given to this volume is fully justified by the predominant part which the great maritime province…

The Ebony Frame

In Ghost Story Collection 002

Read by Cori Samuel

E. Nesbit

A collection of ten pieces, read by various readers, about the unreal edges of this world in legend and story; tales of love, death and beyo…


In The Lost World

Read by Cori Samuel

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Lost World is a 1912 novel by Arthur Conan Doyle concerning an expedition to a plateau (native name is Tepuyes) in South America (Venezu…

Mrs. Merritt

In Spoon River Anthology

Read by Cori Samuel

Edgar Lee Masters

This is a collection of poems, in the form of an entire community speaking from beyond the grave about their lives, and, in some cases, goss…

Version 03

In The Cow

Read by Cori Samuel

stevenson_rl and Robert Louis Stevenson

LibriVox volunteers bring you fourteen different readings of Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Cow, a weekly poetry project. (Summary by Annie Co…

006 - Chapter 4. Introduction to Cookery.

In The Book of Household Management

Read by Cori Samuel

Isabella Beeton and Mrs. Isabella Beeton

"Mrs. Beeton's" is a guide to all aspects of running a household in Victorian Britain. Published in 1861, it was an immediate best…

To Lesbia - Read by CS

In To Lesbia

Read by Cori Samuel

Caius Valerius Catullus and Gaius Valerius Catullus

LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 different recordings of To Lesbia by Caius Valerius Catullus (translation by Richard Burton.) This was the …

Chapter XLII: State Of The Barbaric World Pt. 4

In The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. IV

Read by Cori Samuel

Edward Gibbon

The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a major literary achievement of the 18th century published in six volumes, was writ…

Chapter 4

In Daisy Miller: A Study in Two Parts

Read by Cori Samuel

Henry James

Daisy Miller is an 1878 novella by Henry James. It portrays the confused courtship of the eponymous American girl by Winterbourne, a compatr…

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