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Letters From America

Read by David Wales

Rupert Brooke

"[Rupert Brooke] started in May 1913 on a journey to the United States, Canada, and the South Seas, from which he returned next year at…

Doctor Quintard, Chaplain C.S.A. And Second Bishop Of Tennessee Being His Story…

Read by David Wales

Charles Todd Quintard

Charles Quintard (1824-1898) was an Episcopal priest who, in spite of his pro-Union stance, volunteered to be a chaplain in the Confederate …

The Village and The Library

Read by David Wales

George Crabbe

The Village is Crabbe’s corrective to the rosy-tinted view of English village and rural working class life. He was a stark realist, as a pri…

Pierrot, Dog Of Belgium

Read by David Wales

Walter Alden Dyer

This 1915 novella was published as the First World War raged. "Belgium lies bleeding. Across her level, lush meadows the harsh-shod h…

The Road Past Kennesaw: The Atlanta Campaign Of 1864

Read by David Wales

Richard M. Mcmurry

“…there can be little doubt that the Federal drive on Atlanta, launched in May 1864, was the beginning of the end for the Southern Confedera…

An Alabama Student And Other Biographical Essays

Read by David Wales

Sir William Osler

Here are thirteen biographical sketches of physicians penned by one of the founders of modern medicine, William Osler, published in 1908. &…

Hector Berlioz; A Romantic Tragedy

Read by David Wales

Herbert Francis Peyser

How much more futile is it to attempt on the minuscule scale of the following tiny, if rambling, pamphlet to touch upon even a thousandth of…

In The Footprints Of The Padres

Read by David Wales

Charles Warren Stoddard

The American Charles Warren Stoddard (1843–1909) wrote travel books quite popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This…

Combat Lessons Number 1: Rank And File In Combat: What They're Doing, How They …

Read by David Wales

United States Army War College

This 1942 Army manual, published during the course of World War II, consists of quotations from soldiers in the field concerning their exper…

Andreas Vesalius, The Reformer of Anatomy

Read by David Wales

James Moores Ball

Vesalius (born in Brussels, 1514-1564) is one of the foundation stones of modern medicine. Forsaking the study of anatomy by reading the anc…

Antietam National Battlefield, Maryland

Read by David Wales

Frederick Herman Tilberg

The American Civil War battle at Antietam, Maryland,(called Sharpsburg by the Confederacy) on 17 September 1862, has been called the bloodie…

Harmer John; An Unworldly Story

Read by David Wales

Hugh Walpole

Hjalmar Johanson (novel, 1926) is a boyish unworldly Swedish body builder come to Walpole’s fictional cathedral town of Polchester. His name…

The Irish Nuns at Ypres: An Episode of the War

Read by David Wales

Dame M. Columban

“…I have charged Dame M. Columban to give a detailed account of all that has befallen the Community, since the coming of the Germans to Ypre…

Into The Valley Of Death: Crimea, Balaklava, The Light Brigade: Russell, Tennys…

Read by David Wales


The Charge Of The Light Brigade (1854) is a famous poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It is about, among other things, the valor of soldiers and…

Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia

Read by David Wales

Joseph P. Cullen

Richmond, Virginia, was the capital of The Confederacy during the American Civil War, 1861-1865. It was the focus of two military campaigns…

Life At The Zoo: Notes And Traditions Of The Regent's Park Gardens

Read by David Wales

Charles John Cornish

London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. Opening in 1828, it was originally intended to be used as a collection for the scientific…

The Winnowing Fan: Poems On The Great War

Read by David Wales

Robert Laurence Binyon

This little gem of a book contains twelve poems about World War I. There is more to it than its intrinsic value as verse. Edward Elgar (18…

Christmas Tales Of Flanders

Read by David Wales

Andre De Ridder

“The Christmas Tales Of Flanders presented in this volume are popular fables and legends current in Flanders and Brabant, which have for cen…

Post Mortem: Essays, Historical And Medical

Read by David Wales

Charles MacLaurin and Charles Maclaurin

This 1922 collection of extensive essays comprises well written biographies of a few famous folk. The life narratives include analyses of me…

News From No Man's Land

Read by David Wales

James Green

James Green (1864-1948) was a Methodist minister who was a chaplain to Australian troops in the Boer War and in the Australian Imperial Forc…

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