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Mabel Ross, the Sewing Girl

Read by Jennifer Fournier


Orphaned Mabel struggles to raise her sisters by working as a sewing girl for long hours and low wages. She meets her challenges with a calm…

The Republic of the Future

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Anna Bowman Dodd

or Socialism a Reality In the year 2050, Wolfgang travels to the socialist city of New York. He writes enthusiastically to his friend Hanne…

Chapter 19

In Wandl the Invader (version 2)

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Ray Cummings

There were nine major planets in the Solar System and it was within their boundaries that man first set up interplanetary commerce and began…

To Knit a Stitch

In The Mary Frances Knitting and Crocheting Book

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Jane Eayre Fryer

Mary Frances is a little girl whose Aunt Maria intends to teach her to knit and crochet, but she's very strict and demanding. It's a good th…

Jazzing Up the Universe

In Astounding Stories 20, August 1931

Read by Jennifer Fournier

various and Captain S. P. Meek

This issue containsTHE DANGER FROM THE DEEP by Ralph Milne FarleyMarooned on the Sea-Floor, His Hoisting Cable Cut, Young Abbot Is Left at t…

George Washington, January 8, 1790

In State of the Union Addresses by United States Presidents (1790 - 1816)

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Thomas Jefferson

The State of the Union address is a speech presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress,…

Footprints and other Impressions ii

In Criminal Investigation: a Practical Handbook for Magistrates, Police Officers a…

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Hans Gross

Reputedly inspired by the Sherlock Holmes stories, Austrian criminal jurist and examining magistrate Hans Gross wrote the first handbook on …

Four Miles Within by Anthony Gilmore Chapter I

In Astounding Stories 16, April 1931

Read by Jennifer Fournier

various and Ray Cummings

Contents of this issue :-MONSTERS OF MARS EDMOND HAMILTON - Three Martian-Duped Earth-Men Swing Open the Gates of Space That for So Long…

The Five Senses - Read by JEF

In The Five Senses

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Arthur Macy

Arthur Macy was a Nantucket boy of Quaker extraction. His name alone is evidence of this, for it is safe to say that a Macy, wherever found …