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The Communist Manifesto

Read by Jon Ingram

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote their Manifesto in December 1847, as a guide to the fundamental principles and practices of Communists.…


In Claimants to Royalty

Read by Jon Ingram

John H. Ingram and John Henry Ingram

A compilation of chronicles of the numerous impostors and impostures of kings, queens, and rulers. (Summary by Carmen H)

14 - Book 13, Chapters 1 - 5:Unguents: at what period they were first introduce…

In The Natural History Volume 3

Read by Jon Ingram

Pliny the Elder

Naturalis Historia (Latin for "Natural History") is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the …

Chapter 17

In Dracula

Read by Jon Ingram

Bram Stoker

The classic vampire story by Bram Stoker revolves around a struggle between good and evil, tradition and modernity, and lust versus chastity…

The Artilleryman

In Short Poetry Collection 001

Read by Jon Ingram

Walt Whitman

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 001: a collection of 29 public-domain poems.

Three Languages, The

In Grimms' Fairy Tales

Read by Jon Ingram

Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

A classic collection of oral German folklore, brought together for posterity by the scholarly brothers Grimm in the 1800s, this epitome of f…

22 - Judgment and Reasoning

In Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young

Read by Jon Ingram

Jacob Abbott

Subtitled, "The principles on which a firm parental authority may be established and maintained, without violence or anger, and the rig…