Laura Rountree Smith
Little Bear

Read by Carolyn Frances
A story for children about a little bear with no name, “there were not enough names to go round,” and his adventures in finding one. (Summar…
Fifty Funny Animal Tales

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
"This book contains short stories of animals that will charm the children. Such characters as the Funny Fox, the Happy Hare, the Willfu…
The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail

Read by Patrice DeHart
Little Bunny Cotton-tail is a very naughty bunny. He runs away, he won't go to school, and he keeps nibbling on Farmer Jones' cabbage! Mothe…
The Gingerbread Boy and Joyful Jingle Play Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Short funny stories for children that not only are fun to read and listen to, but have neat rhymes in each story. So if you like a bit of p…
Twinkle Toes and His Magic Mittens

Read by James R. Hedrick
Another delightful Laura Rountree Smith children's book. Illustrated by F. R. MorganWe are three little kittensWho once lost our mittensThe …
Three Little Kittens Who Lost Their Mittens

Read by Rachel Tevis
Three little kittens unwisely leave their mittens on the bank of the pond when they go ice-skating one day, and they return to find the mitt…
Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
One day, Bunny and Susan Cotton-Tail rescue a little snubby nose bunny from a snowdrift and the adventures begin among the Cotton-Tail famil…
Bunny Cottontail, Jr.

Read by Julie Anne Thompson
A sequel to Bunny Cotton Tail - Summary by Laura R. Smith