MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT 9.00 Introduction to Psychology, Fall 2004

Instructor: Prof. Jeremy WolfeSee the full course materials at…

7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004

The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principle…

MIT 6.189 Multicore Programming Primer, January (IAP) 2007

View the complete course: Instructors: Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe * NOTE: Recitations 1-3 are not avail…

MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Po…

Video lectures of course instructors from Spring 2011 offering of HST.184/HST.S14. Instructor(s): Leo Anthony Celi, Peter Szolovits, Hamish…

MIT 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2008

This course provides an introduction to the chemistry of biological, inorganic, and organic molecules. The emphasis is on basic principles o…

MIT 16.01 Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV, Fall 2005 - Spring 2006

The basic objective of Unified Engineering is to give a solid understanding of the fundamental disciplines of aerospace engineering, as well…

MIT 21M.380 Music and Technology (Contemporary History and Aesthetics), Fall 200…

Instructor: Prof. Christopher Ariza This course is an investigation into the history and aesthetics of music and technology as deployed in …

MIT 18.02SC Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2010

Instructor: Christine Breiner, David Jordan, Joel Lewis This course covers differential, integral and vector calculus for functions of more…


6.035 is a course within the department's "Computer Systems and Architecture" concentration. This course analyzes …

MIT 4.696 A Global History of Architecture Writing Seminar Spring 2008

This course will study the question of Global Architecture from the point of view of producing a set of lectures on that subject. The course…

MIT 5.112 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2005

5.112 is an introductory chemistry course for students with an unusually strong background in chemistry. Knowledge of calculus equivalent to…


The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principle…


This subject presents a range of advanced topics in integrated logistics and supply chain management. The course was conducted in a lecture-…


This course explores statistical modeling and control in manufacturing processes. Topics include the use of experimental design and response…

MIT CMS.930 Media, Education, and the Marketplace, Fall 2001

How can we harness the emerging forms of interactive media to enhance the learning process? Professor Miyagawa and prominent guest speakers …

MIT 18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007

This course covers vector and multi-variable calculus. It is the second semester in the freshman calculus sequence. Topics include vectors a…

MIT 21M.542 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time, IAP 2010

Instructor: Michael Cuthbert (moderator), Robert Jaffe, Libby Larsen, Sara Brown, with performers from the Boston Chamber Music Society Vie…


Bioengineering at MIT is represented by the diverse curricula offered by most Departments in the School of Engineering. This course samples …


This course covers the derivation of symmetry theory; lattices, point groups, space groups, and their properties; use of symmetry in tensor …


This class explores composition and arrangement for the large jazz ensemble from 1920s foundations to current postmodern practice. Considera…


This course explores contemporary American theatrical expression as it may be organized around issues of gender and cultural identity. This …