
The Ghost: A Modern Fantasy

Read by Simon Evers

Arnold Bennett

The novel opens with Carl Foster, a recently qualified doctor, coming to London to try and make his fortune. He meets a famous tenor, Signor…

Through the Looking-Glass (version 3)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lewis Carroll

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work of children's literature by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),…


Read by Artemis Greenleaf

Artemis Greenleaf

“I didn’t believe in ghosts, not until I became one.” Schuyler Ramsey just wants to be like the other kids in school. Too bad she’s dead. Sh…

Falcons of Narabedla

Read by Mark Nelson

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Somewhere on the Time Ellipse, Mike Kenscott became Adric of the Scarlet Tower, and the only way to return to his own identity was to find t…

Zwei Kindermärchen

Read by Elli

Heinrich Hoffmann

Struwwelpeter: In dem Buch erzählt Hoffmann Geschichten von Kindern, die nicht brav sind, nicht auf ihre Eltern hören und denen de…

La Muerta Enamorada (Version 2)

Read by Mongope

Théophile Gautier

En esta obra corta de Gautier un anciano sacerdote, Romualdo, relata su experiencia de amor con la bella Clarimonda. Romualdo en el oficio d…

The World Beyond

Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Ray Cummings

Lee Anthony finds himself and two of his friends kidnapped and taken on a strange voyage. (Summary by Richard Kilmer)

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Read by Peter Eastman

J. M. Barrie

When he is seven days old, Peter Pan flies away from his mother (forgetting that he is no longer a bird and therefore cannot fly), comes to …

Time and the Gods

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lord Dunsany

Lord Dunsany (24 July 1878 – 25 October 1957) was a London-born Anglo-Irish writer and dramatist notable for his work in fantasy. He was inf…

The World Set Free (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. G. Wells

Radioactive decay is a major theme in the novel The World Set Free, published in 1914. Wells explores what might happen if the rate of decay…

Six Stories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George MacDonald

Six short stories from the master of fantasy! George MacDonald was an influence on many famous fantasy writers, including C. S. Lewis, J. R.…

The Revolt of the Angels

Read by Roger Melin

Anatole France

Anatole France, in his satirical and allegorical fashion, weaves a tale of fantasy which finds a mischievous guardian angel stealing books f…

The Gods of Pegāna

Read by Jason Mills

Lord Dunsany

"The Gods of Pegāna" is the first book by Anglo-Irish fantasy writer Lord Dunsany, published on a commission basis in 1905... The …

Fifty-one Tales (version 2)

Read by Rosslyn Carlyle

Lord Dunsany

A multitude of very short stories populated with things that lurk in the dark corners of human imagination. Wonderfully crafted and sometime…

The New Swiss Family Robinson

Read by David Wales

Owen Wister

A parody of its famous predecessor, this short piece was written by Owen Wister for the Harvard Lampoon (Summary by David Wales)

Die Blumen des Bösen

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Der Student Giovanni Guasconti hat von seiner Unterkunft aus Einblick in den wundersamen privaten Garten des berühmten Gelehrten Rappac…

A House-Boat on the Styx

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

John Kendrick Bangs

The premise of the book is that everyone who has ever died (up until the time in which the book is set, which seems to be about the time of …

Contes cruels

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Auguste Villiers De L'Isle-Adam

Les contes réunis par Villiers sont d'une grande diversité. Leur dénominateur commun est, selon l'auteur, la cruaut&eac…

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