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The Seven Temporary Moons

Read by Paul Hampton

Murray Leinster

Bud Gregory is a hillbilly whose intuitive knack with high technology allows him to solve various superscience problems. - Summary by Paul H…

New Lamps

Read by Paul Harvey

Robert Moore Williams

Ronson came to the Red Planet on the strangest mission of all ... he only knew he wanted to see Les Ro, but he didn't know exactly why. It w…

The History of Company A, Second Illinois Cavalry

Read by Paul Hampton

Samuel H. Fletcherandd. H. Fletcher

The purpose of this sketch is to keep green the memory of that little band of men known as Company A, of the Second Illinois Cavalry, who fo…

Be Young Again

Read by Paul Hampton

Murray Leinster

Just about every confidence gag had been tried on old Vachti, except the Elixir of Youth. Only this was different—Professor Barr had a uniqu…

The Man Who Staked The Stars

Read by Paul Hampton

Katherine Maclean

A business mobster under investigation is slowly turned against himself by an internal doppelgänger. - Summary by Paul Hampton

Advance Agent

Read by Paul Hampton

Christopher Anvil

Raveling Porcy's systematized enigma, Dan found himself with a spy's worst break—he was saddled with the guise of a famed man! A masterful s…

Fighting The Boche Underground

Read by Paul Hampton

Harry Davis Trounce

Harry Trounce was an American mining engineer of British birth and parentage who joined the British Army in October 1915. After the briefest…

Paul Carpenter Paintings 2005-2012

Read by Paul Carpenter

Paul Carpenter

Paul Carpenter is an artist worth looking at. He has shown at influential galleries on both coasts of America. The book contains fascinating…

The Spiritual Life

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

In this book, Andrew Murray explores the dynamics of the Christian life as Jesus means it to be lived. He explains how the Holy Spirit is es…

Divine Healing

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray’s practical and devotional writings on the Bible have been a help and blessing to Christian believers for more than a century.…

Abide in Christ

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Towards the close of his ministry on earth, Jesus taught his disciples of the need for them to abide in Him. This word "abide" spe…

Waiting on God

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray wrote in the introduction to this daily devotional book of one month’s readings, of the need that many Christians feel of bein…

The Master's Indwelling

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

In all the writings of the late nineteenth century minister and writer Andrew Murray, we see his passion for reality in the lives of Christi…

The Holiest of All

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

"The Holiest of All" is a devotional exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. It was written towards the end of the nineteenth ce…

The Inner Chamber and the Inner Life

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Here is a book of devotions that will bring joy and strength. Its chapters provide vital keys to living and enjoying the Christian life. It …

Jesus Himself

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Is it possible to be familiar with Jesus, to know the Bible, to be involved in church life, and yet not really know Jesus at all well? Andr…

The Ministry of Intercession

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray sub-titled this book "A Plea for More Prayer". In it, he shows how throughout Scripture, in the life of every saint,…

Working for God

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray wrote “Working for God”, a book of daily meditations for a month, as a sequel to “Waiting on God”. The object of the book is,…

Holy in Christ

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

In introducing this book, which Andrew Murray sub-titled “Thoughts on the Calling of God’s Children to Be Holy as He is Holy”, I can do no …

Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu

Read by Scotty Smith

Lionel Giles

If Lao Tzu then had revolted against the growing artificiality of life in his day, a return to nature must have seemed doubly imperative to …

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