Search Results

Cats by the Way

In Cats by the Way

Read by Jessica Louise

Sarah E. Trueblood

Between these pages you will find only the good, old-fashioned, every-day cat. No Angora or thoroughbred has been entered here, unless it be…

A Defense of Penny Dreadfuls

In Wit and Wisdom of Chesterton

Read by Jessica Louise

Gilbert Chesterton and G. K. Chesterton

This little volume, issued as a gift book for lovers of Mr. Chesterton's writings in 1911, is made up from essays to be found in "The D…


In The Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax

Read by Jessica Hendra

Harriet Parr

This is the coming of age story of Bessie Fairfax. A story about a girl who learns to see the world is it is and navigate in it. This is a v…

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