Search Results

44 - The World's Most Famous Oration

In Pipefuls

Read by MACase

Christopher Morley

A delightful collection of 48 essays on various topics of the human condition that caught his fancy. Witty, insightful and funny of course a…

07 - Hearts and Hands

In Waifs and Strays

Read by MACase

O. Henry

These 12 O. Henry stories all deal with waifs and strays in one way or another; people who have somehow become adrift in the current of life…

Las Zapatillas Desgastadas por Danzar

In Cuentos de Hadas, Vol. 3

Read by m3rm3

Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Traducción de Kinder- und Hausmärchen ("Cuentos para la infancia y el hogar") de Jacob y Wilhelm Grimm. (Introducci&oa…

Draw me an AK-47: Transnational imaginaries in the trenches of the cold war

In Design for War and Peace: 2014 Annual Design History Society Conference

Read by Zeina Maasri


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Leaders We Need for Healthcare

In Green Templeton College

Read by Michael Maccoby


University of Oxford Podcasts

Revisiting breastfeeding in light of the gift logic. Is a comparison of Gogo and…

In Anthropology

Read by Mara Mabilia


University of Oxford Podcasts

The challenges of reporting China to the outside world

In Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Read by Jane Macartney


University of Oxford Podcasts

053 - Se tanta pena tenho merecida

In Sonetos - Poemas de Amor

Read by M.

Luis Vaz de Camoes and Luís Vaz de Camões

Luís Vaz de Camões (c. 1524 — 10 de Junho de 1580) é frequentemente considerado como o maior poeta de língua por…

015 - Lembranças saudosas, se cuidais

In Sonetos - Poemas Filosoficos

Read by M.

Luís Vaz de Camões

Luís Vaz de Camões é frequentemente considerado como o maior poeta de língua portuguesa e dos maiores da Humanid…

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