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Tommy Trot's Visit to Santa Claus

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Thomas Nelson Page

A charming tale about an Tommy, affluent Virginia boy who always gets what he wants at Christmas, only to discover his toys never make him q…

Food-Free at Last: How I Learned to Eat Air

Read by Dr. Robert Jones MD PhD DDS ODD

Dr. Robert Jones MD PhD DDS ODD

Food is a drug. Break the shackles of addiction and learn to eat air! In this detailed guide, Dr. Robert Jones, MD, PhD, DDS, ODD gives you …

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Read by Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

University of Oxford Podcasts

D H Lawrence’s Rite

In Revisiting the Rite: The Rite of Spring Centenary Conference

Read by Sue Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

A structural biologist's perspective

In McMichael Symposium

Read by Yvonne Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Turing in the History of Software

In Alan Turing: Centenary Lectures

Read by Cliff jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Narrative interviews as a method for analysing claims to expertise and impact: T…

In Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) conference podcasts

Read by Briony Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Cancer and Protein Crystallography

In Cancer

Read by Yvonne Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Myth, Memory, Fandom: Konstantin Simonov and his Readers in the 1950s and 1960s

In Research Approaches to Former Soviet States: A Practical Introduction

Read by Polly Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Intelligence and the Dhofar Insurgency: New Perspectives

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Clive Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Resurrecting Hope: Murder, Mystery and Redemption

In Oriel College Chapel Services

Read by Sharon Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Current Progress in Afghanistan

In Changing Character of War

Read by Rupert Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Internet Turns 40: Midlife Crisis or Grand Challenge for Computer-Mediated C…

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Steve Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

7th CSS: Applying the Life Course Approach to Walking and Cycling

In Transport Studies Unit Podcasts

Read by Heather Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 3

In Building Peace

Read by Heather Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Nature, Nurture or Neither: The View from the Genes

In Mansfield College

Read by Stephen Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Fundamentality of the Familiar

In Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies

Read by Nick Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Synthesizing Anti-Cancer Drugs from Nature

In Chemistry for the Future: Human Health

Read by Chris Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

FMR 44 UNHCR in Uganda: better than its reputation suggests

In Forced Migration Review

Read by Will Jones


University of Oxford Podcasts

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