Search Results

15 - 1.3.III. The Notables. .

In The French Revolution Volume 1 the Bastille

Read by Stephen Marsh

Thomas Carlyle

The French Revolution: A History was written by the Scottish essayist, philosopher, and historian Thomas Carlyle. The three-volume work, fir…

09 - Book 2, Ch 01-03

In The Antiquities of the Jews, Volume 1

Read by Stephen Marsh

Flavius Josephus

Antiquities of the Jews was a work published by the important Jewish historian Flavius Josephus about the year 93 or 94. It is a history of …

Chapter 10 Another Successful Speculation, Part 1

In Struggles and Triumphs, or Forty Years' of Recollections of P.T. Barnum, writte…

Read by Stephen Marsh

P. T. Barnum

The 1873 edition of the autobiography of the founding genius of the "Greatest Show on Earth," P.T. (Phineas Taylor) Barnum. It d…

04 - Book 3, Chapter 3 Part 1

In History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 2

Read by Stephen Marsh

Henry Charles Lea

Volume 2 of Lea’s monumental work on the Spanish Inquisition. Volume 2 discusses the organizational structure of the Inquisition, methods us…

Understanding Shakespeare

In Staging Shakespeare

Read by Nick Lyons


University of Oxford Podcasts

Questionable research practices and how to respond to them

In Research Integrity

Read by Nick Steneck


University of Oxford Podcasts

Introduction to the Global Catastrophes Risk Conference 2008

In Global Catastrophic Risks Conference 2008

Read by Nick Bostrom


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chemistry Information Day Talk

In So you want to study Chemistry?

Read by Nick Green


University of Oxford Podcasts

Showcase: Future Humanity Institute

In Oxford Martin School: Interviews and Commentaries

Read by Nick Bostrom


University of Oxford Podcasts

Infectious diseases in South East Asia

In NDM International Activities

Read by Nick Day


University of Oxford Podcasts

Infectious diseases in South East Asia

In Global Health

Read by Nick Day


University of Oxford Podcasts

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