LibriVox Audio Books

Madame Bovary (French)

Read by Nadine Eckert-Boulet

Gustave Flaubert

Charles Bovary, médecin de campagne, veuf d'une mégère, fait lors d'une tournée la rencontre du père Roua…

Inherited Danger

Read by Brian Rathbone

Brian Rathbone

A World of Godsland novel. Catrin leaves her homeland behind as she goes in search of knowledge and peace, unaware that she will face the gr…

The Mystery of Mary

Read by Lee Ann Howlett

Grace Livingston Hill

Handsome young Tryon Dunham has just returned home on the train from a business trip one evening when he's accosted by a beautiful young wom…

The White Company

Read by Clive Catterall

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Set during the Hundred Years' War with France, The White Company tells the story of a young Saxon man who is learning what it is to be a kni…


Read by Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)

Johanna Spyri

Hear Heidi if you’ve ever longed to see the Swiss mountain slopes. This story transports the listener from the fine air and freedom of the m…

Die Verwandlung

Read by Markus Wachenheim

Franz Kafka

"Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwan…

Anne of Green Gables (Dramatic Reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Red-haired Anne Shirley, the orphan girl mistakenly sent to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, has been one of the world's most beloved…

The Deeper Christian Life

Read by Phil Snyder

Andrew Murray

If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would you be convicted? Christians have asked themselves this question, or ones like it, for…

Cuento Original De Caperucita Roja

Read by tomatoso

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Jakob Ludwig Karl Grimm (1785-1863) y Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859) Hermanos alemanes famosos por sus cuentos infantiles.

The Sleeper Awakes

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

H. G. Wells

The Sleeper Awakes is a dystopian novel about a man who sleeps for two hundred years, waking up in a completely transformed London, where, b…

Das Nibelungenlied

Read by Christian Al-Kadi

Unknowntranslated Bykarl Joseph Simrock and Translated Bykarl Joseph Simrock

Das Nibelungenlied ist ein mittelalterliches Heldenepos und wurde oft als „Nationalepos der Deutschen“ bezeichnet. Es entstand zu Beginn des…

Si Te Sientes Triste

Read by fenixfriend


un audio que te hace recordar que las cosas pueden ir mejor

The Time Traders, (Version 2)

Read by Mark Nelson

Andre Norton

If it is possible to conquer space, then perhaps it is also possible to conquer time. At least that was the theory American scientists were …

Second Variety

Read by Gregg Margarite (1957-2012)

Philip K. Dick

Early victories by the USSR in a global nuclear war cause the United Nations government to retreat to the moon leaving behind troops and fie…

Mansfield Park (dramatic reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jane Austen

Mansfield Park is Jane Austen's 1814 novel focusing on Fanny Price, the daughter of a poor Portsmouth family, who is taken to live with her …

The Man Who Was Thursday, A Nightmare

Read by Zachary Brewster-Geisz

G. K. Chesterton

In a surreal turn-of-the-century London, Gabriel Syme, a poet, is recruited to a secret anti-anarchist task force at Scotland Yard. Lucian G…

Hints for Lovers

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Arnold Haultain

"Hints for Lovers" is a thorough analysis of relationships between men and women, about everything that lovers should know, and de…

The Spiritual Life

Read by Christopher Smith

Andrew Murray

In this book, Andrew Murray explores the dynamics of the Christian life as Jesus means it to be lived. He explains how the Holy Spirit is es…

Anna Karenina, Book 2

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Leo Tolstoy

In Part 2, Kitty’s health deteriorates from regret and heartbreak, while Levin retreats to his country estate. Anna and Vronsky continue to …

The Jungle

Read by Tom Weiss

Upton Sinclair

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better…

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