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Chapter 24

In The Deerslayer - The First Warpath

Read by Bill Boerst

James Fenimore Cooper

The Deerslayer, or The First Warpath (1841) was the last of James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking tales to be written. Its 1740-1745 time …

White Nights, A Sentimental Story from the Diary of a Dreamer, Second Night

In White Nights & Other Stories

Read by Bill Boerst

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Translated by Constance Garnett and Fyodor Dostoyevsky

White Nights and Other Stories by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a compilation published in 1918 by The MacMillan Company, NY (USA) and Heinemann (UK…

French Conversation-Grammar, first lesson

In LibriVox Language Learning Collection Vol. 001

Read by Bill Boerst

Dr. Emil Otto and Emil Otto

This collection is part of an initiative to create a language learning resource at LibriVox. The LibriVox Language Learning Collections cont…

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