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Retief: Intergalactic Diplomat in Space, (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. V)

Read by Edmund Bloxam

Keith Laumer

'Retief of the Red-Tape Mountain'Retief knew the importance of sealedorders—and the need to keep them that way!'The Desert and the Stars'The…

Essays Before a Sonata

Read by Edmund Bloxam

Charles Ives

Some philosophical studies in relation to the ideas of Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne. Although the sonata is not explicitly referenced in this…

Scientists Do Science in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. VII)

Read by Edmund Bloxam


'The Cyberene' by Rog PhillipsSomewhere in the far future a diabolical brain plotted the enslavement of mankind. But to do that a history ha…

Masterpieces of Mystery: Ghost Stories

Read by Edmund Bloxam

Robert Louis Stevenson

'The Listener'First, it was a strange array of cats, then an increasingly mysterious, and then terrifying increase in...happenstances and...…

'John's Other Practice' by Winston Marks

In Fevers and Physicians in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. II)

Read by Edmund Bloxam

Winston K. Marks

I: ‘Pandemic’ by Jesse F. BoneA deadly pandemic consumes the world (blah blah blah - you know the rest). If only THAT was the cure to the re…

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