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Anthem (Version 4)

Read by Greg Giordano

Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand is best known for her classics Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. One of her earlier works, Anthem, is a dystopian vision of a wo…

Selected Classics of Washington Irving

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Washington Irving is one of early America's most treasured writers. He is best known for his wit and satirical voice. Irving had the extraor…

Lad: A Dog

Read by Greg Giordano

Albert Payson Terhune

Lad: A Dog is a 1919 American novel written by Albert Payson Terhune and published by E. P. Dutton. Composed of twelve short stories first p…

Uncle's Dream

Read by Greg Giordano

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Uncle’s Dream by Fyodor Dostoyevsky was written following his five year exile to Siberia where he was sent to serve in a hard labor camp. F…

Old Christmas: From the Sketch Book of Washington Irving

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Washington Irving's Old Christmas tells of an American's travels through England during the Christmas season. Through a chance meeting with…

A Christmas Carol (Version 09)

Read by Greg Giordano

Charles Dickens

"A Christmas Carol" has been credited with relaunching the celebration of Christmas as we know it. It relaunched Charles Dickens' …

Mother Stories

Read by Greg Giordano

Maud Lindsay

"I have endeavored to write, for mothers and dear little children, a few simple stories, embodying some of the truths of Froebel's Moth…

Tales of a Traveller

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Writing under the pseudonym, Geoffrey Crayon, Washington Irving chronicled his travels through Europe in the early 1820’s. He wrote of peopl…

More Selected Classics of Washington Irving

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Washington Irving is, arguably, one of America's greatest writers. He spent many years in Europe and kept records of his observations, which…

Washington Irving in London

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Washington Irving's name is synonymous with such classics as "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." He est…

Washington Irving's Visit to England

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Famed American humorist Washington Irving published a series of short stories telling of his adventures traveling from America to England. T…

Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey

Read by Greg Giordano

Washington Irving

Although this book may not have the immediately recognizable title of, say, “Rip Van Winkle” or “Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” this book deserve…

Old Boats - Read by GG

In Old Boats

Read by Greg Giordano

Theodosia Garrison

There is little information on Theodosia Garrison available. This poem is taken from The Dreamers and Other Poems, George H. Doran Company, …

The Lineman - Read by GG

In The Lineman

Read by Greg Giordano

Chan Gardiner

This poem by Chan Gardiner pays tribute to the Linemen working on America's high voltage lines, working in dangerous conditions so that the …

Galileo and the Lamps

In Thirty More Famous Stories Retold

Read by Greg Giordano

James Baldwin

Thirty More Famous Stories Retold, the sequel to the popular Fifty Famous Stories Retold, retells the stories of legendary people and mythol…

Arrivals from Alexandria, VA and the Seat of Government

In The Underground Railroad, Part 4

Read by Greg Giordano

William Still

"The work is intensely interesting. Many of the narratives thrill the reader through and through. Some of them awaken an indignation, a…