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Pagan Passions

Read by Phil Chenevert

Laurence M. Janifer and Randall Garrett

'Adult' Science Fiction? Well, why not? Science Fiction deals imaginatively with odd and unsettling subjects, why not sex? In this novel,…

Shadows in Zamboula (version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Robert E. Howard

In the dark streets of Zamboula, huge ghouls stalk the night seeking victims for their ghastly rites and feasts. Conan is passing through t…

Omnilingual (version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

H. Beam Piper

This short story was first written and published in the year 1957, as part of a collection of short science fiction stories in the collectio…

Gambler's World & The Yillian Way

Read by Phil Chenevert

Keith Laumer

Here are two stores starring the always unconventional Terrestrial Diplomat, Retief. As a diplomat, Retief does not always follow procedure…

The World That Couldn't Be (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Clifford D. Simak

The planet where his new plantation was established was very strange, with a complete lack of sex; all of his workers and all the animals an…

Nor Iron Bars A Cage ...

Read by Phil Chenevert

Randall Garrett

Iron bars do not confine a Man—only his body. There are more subtle, and more confining bindings, however....Police methods of the future wi…

A Thousand Degrees Below Zero

Read by Phil Chenevert

Murray Leinster

The War to End All Wars has ended and the world has taken a deep breath and is trying to recover normal life in 1919. But a super Villan in…

His Master's Voice

Read by Phil Chenevert

Randall Garrett

This is a follow up story to Randal Garrett's original story, A Spaceship Named McGyer. The intrepid protagonist, now that he has become t…

The Homely Heroine

Read by Phil Chenevert

Edna Ferber

Who ever heard of a plain and downright homely heroine? Isn't a heroine by definition beautiful? Well, Edna Ferber, in her well known style …

Acres of Diamonds (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Russell Conwell

One of the most requested motivational lectures of all time. "I say that you ought to get rich, and it is your duty to get rich ... Th…

Ministry of Disturbance

Read by Phil Chenevert

H. Beam Piper

Science Fiction at it humorous best written in the golden age of all the greats and published in Astounding Science Fiction December 1958. …

Lady Windermere's Fan (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Oscar Wilde

Lady Windermere's Fan, A Play About a Good Woman is a four-act comedy by Oscar Wilde, first produced 22 February 1892 at the St James's Thea…

The Call of Cthulhu

Read by Phil Chenevert

H. P. Lovecraft

The worshipers of this ancient tentacled horror are still with us, waiting for this terrible being to awake and take vengeance again on an e…

The Frog Prince and Other Stories (version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Walter Crane

These three stories,The Frog Prince, Princess Belle-Etoile and Alladin, beloved by generations of children, are here retold in a format and …

The Green World

Read by Phil Chenevert

Hal Clement

The planet was an enigma. Among the thousands of inhabitable planets that had been discovered and visited, Veridis alone seemed to defy the…


Read by Phil Chenevert

Hal Clement

They had been captured, but by whom? And why where they allowed to build anything they wanted to escape? The space cruiser was powerful and…

Doctor Dolittle's Post Office

Read by Phil Chenevert

Hugh Lofting

Doctor Dolittle's Post Office is the exciting third in the series of Hugh Lofting's Doctor Dolittle books. As usual, the Doctor has many ad…

Deathworld (version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Harry Harrison

A world that actively seeks to kill the colonists. Not a pleasant place. The hordes of ferocious animals all come with deadly poison and a …

The Variable Man (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Philip K. Dick

Philip K. Dick wrote some great Science Fiction and here is an example. Published in 1953, in Space Science Fiction, t his story explores a…

The Colour Out of Space

Read by Phil Chenevert

H. P. Lovecraft

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” This creepy horror…

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