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How Universal is Liberalism?

In European Studies Centre

Read by Ronald Dworkin, Timothy Garton Ash and Adam Roberts


University of Oxford Podcasts

Isaiah Berlin and the Challenge of Multiculturalism Part 1

In The Isaiah Berlin Lecture

Read by Timothy Garton Ash


University of Oxford Podcasts

Timothy Garton Ash on Free Speech Debate

In Free Speech Debate

Read by Timothy Garton Ash


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Europe for our grandchildren?

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Timothy Garton Ash


University of Oxford Podcasts

How Universal is Liberalism?

In St Antony's College Podcasts

Read by Ronald Dworkin


St Antony's College is the most international of the six graduate colleges of the University of Oxford, specialising in international relati…


Read by David Ronald


In this work Tertullian defends Christianity, demanding legal toleration and that Christians be treated as all other sects of the Roman Empi…

Against Celsus Book 1

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

On Grace And Free Will

Read by David Ronald

Saint Augustine of Hippo

There are some persons who suppose that the freedom of the will is denied whenever God's grace is maintained, and who on their side defend t…

The Obedience of a Christian Man

Read by David Ronald

William Tyndale

"The obedience of a Christian man" begins by contrasting the life of a true Christian to those holding high positions within the R…

On The Predestination Of The Saints

Read by David Ronald

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Wherein the truth of predestination and grace is defended against the semi-Pelagians — those people to wit, who by no means withdraw altoget…

Epistles of Cyprian

Read by David Ronald

Saint Cyprian Of Carthage

Little is known of the early history of Thascius Cyprian (born probably about 200 A.D.) until the period of his intimacy with the Carthagini…

Against Celsus Book 2

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

Against Celsus Book 3

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

Against Celsus Book 4

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

Against Celsus Book 5

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

The Diatessaron: A Harmony of the Four Gospels

Read by David Ronald


The Diatessaron is such an impersonal work that we do not need to know very much about its compiler. It will suffice here to say that he tel…

Against Celsus Book 6

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…