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Chapter One

In The Way It Came

Read by Tony Addison

Henry James

Best known under the title "The Friends Of The Friends" and chosen under that title for his classic fantasy anthology "Black …

Chapter One

In The Jolly Corner (Version 2)

Read by Tony Addison

Henry James

"A miraculous masterpiece" it seemed to Henry James, who wrote it. What actually happens in this most remarkable story (though at…

The House Of Suddhoo

In Short Story Collection Vol. 062

Read by Tony Addison

Rudyard Kipling

LibriVox readers bring you 20 short works of fiction in the public domain. This collection includes stories by a variety of authors, includi…

The Amazing Marriage

In First Chapter Collection 005

Read by Tony Addison

George Meredith

LibriVox First Chapter Collection 005 - a collection of the first chapters of 15 different books, fiction and nonfiction, mostly English but…

Chapter 8

In The Romance of the Forest

Read by Tony Addison

Ann Radcliffe

A Gothic novel famously mentioned by Jane Austen in "Northanger Abbey" as an inspiration for the romantic ideals and supernatural …

Chapter 37

In Melmoth The Wanderer

Read by Tony Addison

Charles Robert Maturin

One of the first horror novels, it tells the story of Melmoth, who sells his soul so he could have an extended life. Throughout the novel, h…

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