Izaak Walton
The Compleat Angler

Read by Nicole Lee
The Compleat Angler is a celebration of the art and spirit of fishing in prose and verse. Walton did not profess to be an expert with the fl…
The World's Best Poetry, Volume 5: Nature (Part 1)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The fifth of ten volumes of poetry edited by Canadian poet laureate Bliss Carman (1861-1929). This collection, the first of two parts, inclu…
Izaak Walton's Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker and George Her…

Read by David Wales
The full title of Walton's book of short biographies is, Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Rich'd Hooker, George Herbert, &C.; Sir Henr…