1994.12.23 Practice a Challenge or a Problem
52:40 |
1995.05.19 Parting the Veils of the Mundane
1:00:42 |
1995.07.24 Recognizing the Upakkilesa
1:00:42 |
1998.02.27 Choosing the Hindrances
29:31 |
1998.02.28 kondanna Knows
42:11 |
1998.05.14 Applying the 84000 Dhamma
43:29 |
1998.05.14 The Love of Truth
27:10 |
1998.07.05 Nibbid. and the Wings of Awakening
1:11:25 |
1998.07.14 Moving Inwards
44:20 |
1998.07.26 Beauty of Sila
37:56 |
1998.09.18 Practice in all Situations
46:00 |
1998.09.22 Costs and Benefits of Desire
49:05 |
1998.10.26 Practice for the Sasana
40:21 |
1999 Count Your Blessings
38:56 |
1999 Dukkha Machine
46:26 |
1999 It is Not Very Far at All
37:41 |
1999 Like a Full Moon in a Clear Sky
41:49 |
2000.12.09 Leadership
57:09 |
2000.12.27 Chanda vs Tanha
41:34 |
2001.04.16 Kissing Asavas or Kicking Asavas
59:57 |
2001.06.02 Regain Your Balance in Bhavana
52:48 |
2001.07.12 Living with Ambiguity
58:20 |
2008.12.07 Buddhist Values
26:41 |
2009.01.18 Recollection of Ajahn Chah
1:03:12 |
2010.03.28 Interview on Buddhist Education
40:27 |
2010.05.20 The Paramis As Practices of Liberation
1:14:32 |
2010.05.21 Cultivating Love For Sila And Khanti
58:33 |
2010.08.13 Dhamma Q&A 1_5
7:20 |
2010.08.13 Dhamma Q&A 2_5
10:25 |
2010.08.13 Dhamma Q&A 3_5
10:00 |
2010.08.13 Dhamma Q&A 4_5
9:01 |
2010.08.13 Dhamma Q&A 5_5
10:55 |
2010.08.13 Samadhi
11:54 |
2010.08.14 Dhamma Q&A 1_6
10:00 |
2010.08.14 Dhamma Q&A 2_6
10:01 |
2010.08.14 Dhamma Q&A 3_6
10:02 |
2010.08.14 Dhamma Q&A 4_6
10:03 |
2010.08.14 Dhamma Q&A 5_6
10:00 |
2010.08.14 Dhamma Q&A 6_6
5:06 |
2010.08.15 Why Practice Buddhism 1_3
10:00 |
2010.08.15 Why Practice Buddhism 2_3
10:00 |
2010.08.15 Samadhi Guide
6:32 |
2010.08.15 Why Practice Buddhism 3_3
7:12 |
2010.09.05 Dhamma Q&A 1_5
13:59 |
2010.09.05 Dhamma Q&A 2_5
11:04 |
2010.09.05 Dhamma Q&A 3_5
10:59 |
2010.09.05 Dhamma Q&A 4_5
15:05 |
2010.09.05 Dhamma Q&A 5_5
14:41 |
2010.09.05 Guided Meditation Practice
10:02 |
2010.09.05 Seven Sappurisa Dhammas 1_5
14:48 |
2010.09.05 Seven Sappurisa Dhammas 2_5
14:45 |
2010.09.05 Seven Sappurisa Dhammas 3_5
14:52 |
2010.09.05 Seven Sappurisa Dhammas 4_5
10:08 |
2010.09.05 Seven Sappurisa Dhammas 5_5
10:49 |
2010.09.05 Seven Virtues
1:04:31 |
2011.03.20 A Golden Age of Wisdom 2_2
24:40 |
2011.03.20 A Golden Age of Wisdom 1_2
24:04 |
2011.03.20 Guided Meditation Practice
17:42 |
2011.03.20 Questions and Answers 1_2
28:26 |
2011.03.20 Questions and Answers 2_2
17:05 |
2011.05.11 Buddhism and Buddhist Education 1_4
29:59 |
2011.05.11 Buddhism and Buddhist Education 2_4
29:59 |
2011.05.11 Buddhism and Buddhist Education 3_4
29:59 |
2011.05.11 Buddhism and Buddhist Education 4_4
28:56 |
2011.05.11 Buddhism and Education
54:18 |
2011.05.11 Q&A Buddhist Education
1:01:41 |
2011.05.28 Taking Responsibility for Your Mind
54:18 |
2011.06.01 Qualities of a Wise Person
48:26 |
2011.08.12 Dhamma Dialogue 1 1_2
29:00 |
2011.08.12 Dhamma Dialogue 1 2_2
29:34 |
2011.08.12 Dhamma Dialogue 2 1_2
19:59 |
2011.08.12 Guided Meditation 1
27:21 |
2011.08.12 Guided Meditation 2
11:34 |
2011.08.13 Dhamma Dialogue 2 2_2
27:43 |
2011.08.13 Dhamma Dialogue 2 3_2
15:53 |
2011.08.13 Guided Meditation
11:45 |
2011.08.14 Guided Meditation
11:35 |
2011.10.26 Visit to Jigme Losel School, Thimphu
5:20 |
2011.10.27 A Dhamma Discourse Given to Nima High School
33:40 |
2011.10.27 A Dhamma Discourse Given to Kelki High School
1:49:48 |
2011.10.28 A Dhamma Discourse Given at Royal Thimphu College
1:35:13 |
2011.10.28 A Dhamma Discourse Given to Yangchenphug High School
1:03:04 |
2011.10.29 Dhamma Discourse 1_2
1:51:08 |
2011.10.29 Dhamma Discourse 2_2
59:27 |
2012.05.19 Your Ultimate Classroom is Here and Now
52:28 |
2012.05.20 Facebook or Liberation
1:02:09 |
2012.08.12 Q&A
53:21 |
2012.12.05 Skilful Desires (English-Thai)
1:22:15 |
2013.05.05 Dhamma teaching for Littlebang group
1:45:28 |
2013.08.04 Practicing positive emotion
59:47 |
2013.08.04 Questions and Answers
30:04 |
2013.08.10 Guided Mediation
10:29 |
2013.08.10 Guided Meditation (Evening)
11:23 |
2013.08.10 Q & A
51:48 |
2013.08.11 Q & A
1:07:03 |
2013.10.18 Guided Meditation at Abhayagiri
26:38 |
2013.10.19 Practicing Gladness at Abhayagiri
57:12 |
2013.10.20 Dhamma Talk from Abhayagiri Kathina by Ajahn Pasanno
1:02:33 |
2013.10.20 Dhamma Talk in En-Th from Abhayagiri Kathina
42:43 |
2013.10.22 Dhamma Talk and Q&A at Stanford University
1:15:07 |
2013.10.22 Guided Meditation at Stanford University
28:26 |
2013.10.23 Guided Meditation Dhamma Talk and Q&A at White Salmon
1:19:52 |
2013.10.26 Dhamma Talk and Q&A at University of the Wes
1:25:40 |
2013.10.26 Guided Meditation at University of the West
18:11 |
2013.10.26 Q&A at Claremont McKenna College
1:28:59 |
2013.10.28 Dhamma Talk at University of the West
45:18 |
2013.10.28 Guided Meditation at University of the West
21:55 |
2013.10.28 Q&A at University of the West
1:19:13 |
2013.11.18 Dhamma Talk at BIA
55:42 |
2013.11.18 Guided Meditation at BIA
12:40 |
2013.11.18 Q&A at BIA
21:46 |
2014.05.04 Guided Meditation
15:57 |
2014.05.04 On Cultivation
48:13 |
2014.05.04 Q&A
39:53 |
2014.07.12 Guided Meditation
12:54 |
2014.08.10 Q&A
1:12:49 |
2014.08.11 Q&A
1:14:10 |
2014.09.21 Dhamma Talk to Intern Students from RSU
36:20 |
2014.10.15 Guided Meditation
10:42 |
2014.10.16 Guided Meditation
5:29 |
2014.11.22 Dhamma Talk and Q&A at BIA
1:03:29 |
2015.01.26 Guided Meditation
12:43 |
2015.01.29 Guided Meditation
5:31 |
2015.02.15 Dhamma Dialog with RU Student
1:28:52 |
2015.05.24 Observing the Real News
1:17:07 |
2015.06.21 Dealing with negativity
1:28:49 |
2015.08.10 Q&A
45:55 |
2015.08.11 Q&A
1:06:54 |
2015.10.18 Dhamma Discourse
44:31 |
2015.10.18 Q&A
41:01 |
2016.01.24 Guided Meditation
11:01 |
2016.01.27 Guided Meditation
10:37 |
2016.08.12 Guided Meditation
9:07 |
2016.08.12 Q&A
41:25 |
2016.08.13 Q&A
1:08:23 |
2016.11.06 Q&A
1:01:15 |
2016.11.06 What Gives Meaning to Life
17:56 |
2017.03.05 Guided Meditation
13:36 |
2017.03.05 Q&A
35:50 |
2017.03.05 Wise shame, Wise fear
45:18 |
2017.05.23 The Biography of Ajahn Chah
56:16 |
2017.08.11 Q&A
54:10 |
2017.08.12 Q&A
53:27 |
2017.08.20 Dhamma Discourse
30:35 |
2017.08.20 Q&A
49:27 |
2017.11.09 Dhamma Talk at Cittarama Malaysia
58:42 |
2017.11.10 Dhamma Talk at Nalanda Centre Malaysia
1:07:36 |
2017.11.10 Q&A at Nalanda Centre Malaysia
49:04 |
2017.11.11 Dhamma Talk at The Buddhist Library Singapore
1:11:52 |
2017.11.11 Q&A at The Buddhist Library Singapore
20:45 |
2017.11.12 Dhamma Talk at NDR Singapore
1:28:45 |
2017.11.12 Dhamma Talk at Wat Palelai Singapore
58:47 |
2017.11.12 Q&A at Wat Palelai Singapore
58:51 |
2018.01.30 Guided Meditation
11:04 |
2018.01.31 Guided Meditation
14:07 |
2018.02.01 Guided Meditation
7:02 |
2018.03.07 Precepts for Mindfulness and Insight
24:08 |
2018.03.08 Meditation_ A Tool to Investigate the Nature of Reality
54:21 |
2018.03.09 Buddhism as an Education System
1:07:43 |
2018.03.10 Process and Form
1:02:14 |
2018.03.11 Cultivation of the four-fold training
37:41 |
2018.05.13 Guided Meditation _ A Sense of Wakefulnes
5:54 |
2018.05.13 Holding On to Things with Understanding (English-Thai)
46:51 |
2018.06.24 Guided Meditation (afternoon) at University of the Wes
19:40 |
2018.06.24 Guided Meditation (morning) at University of the West
21:58 |
2018.06.24 Q&A (afternoon) at University of the Wes
1:23:54 |
2018.06.24 Q&A (morning) at University of the West
53:32 |
2018.06.24 Sathi Talk at University of the West
54:53 |
2018.06.26 Dhamma Talk at Sunnyvale
38:30 |
2018.06.26 Guided Meditation at Sunnyvale
28:06 |
2018.06.26 Q&A at Sunnyvale
38:27 |
2018.06.27 Dhamma Talk in Silicon Valley
37:59 |
2018.06.27 Guided Meditation in Silicon Valley
25:50 |
2018.06.27 Q&A in Silicon Valley
42:11 |
2018.06.30 Dhamma Talk at Abhayagiri
49:55 |
2018.08.10 Guided Meditation
13:15 |
2018.08.10 Q&A
1:14:13 |
2018.08.11 Q&A
1:14:45 |
2018.09.08 Good Life, Good Death
1:01:54 |
2018.11.04 Guided Meditation
5:47 |
2018.11.18 Guided Meditation
9:11 |
2018.12.13 Dhamma Talk at Nalanda Centre
50:36 |
2018.12.13 Q&A at Nalanda Centre
42:13 |
2018.12.15 Ajahn Chah_ the best of friends
40:11 |
2019.05.26 Good Intentions (English-Thai)
1:01:27 |
2019.05.28 The Practice of Observation
53:16 |
2019.08.06 in a nutshell - Purpose of life
3:42 |
2019.08.09 Q&A
12:57 |
2019.08.10 Q&A
56:24 |
2020.01.06 Dhamma Talk and Discussion at Prakriti School
1:19:36 |
2020.01.06 Q&A at Prakriti School
38:54 |
2020.01.07 Engineering a Life with Meaning
1:56:03 |
2020.01.08 Q&A
1:15:43 |
2020.01.08 Real World - Inner World
51:20 |
2020.03.02 Dhamma Discourse at Shan State Buddhist University
50:39 |
2020.03.02 Q&A at Shan State Buddhist University
35:47 |
2020.03.02 Q&A at Shan State Buddhist Universitydia
4:20 |
2020.05.07 Tranquility in the face of Uncertainty
25:14 |
2020.06.13 Guided Meditation
20:30 |
2020.06.13 Q&A
55:49 |
2020.10.04 Dhamma Talk
1:36:13 |
2020.10.29 Resilience
1:07:49 |
2021.01.25 Q&A
1:26:26 |
2021.02.10 Buddhist Education
1:27:37 |
2021.04.18 Q&A
1:49:56 |
2021.05.25 Vesak 2021 to the United Nations
8:14 |
2021.05.26 Dhamma Discourse on Vesak Day
16:58 |
2021.07.24 Asalha Puja
16:26 |
2021.09.05 Q&A
2:02:37 |
2022.04.03 The Truth of Dukkha
53:50 |
2022.09.23 Humanistics -Talk
16:38 |
2022.09.23 Q&A _ Humanistics
1:36:33 |
2013.04.18 Developing Right Speech
43:23 |