Ranjith Daluwatta
Music from Classical Period

500 - 1500 Music from the Middle Ages and The Renaissance 1500-1750 Music of Baroque Period 1730-1820 Music of Classicism 1820-1910 Mu…
Music of The Baroque Period

500 - 1500 Music from the Middle Ages and The Renaissance 1500-1750 Music of Baroque Period 1750-1820 Music of Classicism 1820-1910 Mu…
A Manual on Buddhist Meditation- Bhikkhu Candana

This book is the result of requests and queries from students and those interested in understanding the core teachings of the Budd…
Music From The Middle Ages and The Renaissance

Collection of Music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period. From the thousand-year period extending from ca. 500 to 1500 C.E.…
2022 Guided Meditation

Recordings of Guided Meditation sessions from Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre, Perth, Western Australia MEDITATION Extract from Ajahn…
My Kind of Music

A collection of rarely heard oldies inclung: We Didn't Start The fire. ,> Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray So…
Music of The Modern Era

500 - 1500 Music from the Middle Ages and The Renaissance 1500-1750 Music of Baroque Period 1750-1820 Music of Classicism 1820-1910 Mu…
Movie Tunes
A Collection of everlasting movie openers and themes Since the very first silent films, music has been essential to the storytelling p…
Simon and Garfunkel

A Personal Collection of S&G These tracks are not available for downloading and of very low audio quality and suitable only for online l…
Scottish Music

During the 1960s and Seventies, for countless Radio listeners and TV viewers, Calum Kennedy was the Gaelic singer, known as “the golden voic…
BSWA-Guided Meditation
The recordings here are from the BSWA and the teachers are from the Dhammaloka Monastery. How Guided Meditation Works Guided med…
Vipassana Instructions

Few Important Instructions on Insight Meditation. The Basic Practice Preparatory Stage If you sincerely desire to develop contemplation and …
Collected Talks by Ajahn Cha

A Collection of 58 Talks by Ven Ajahn Cha translated in to English and read by western sangha members are archived here for the future. Vene…
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was music's most sublime creative genius. Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, a…
The Noble Eightfold Path
The essence of the Buddha's teaching can be summed up in two principles: the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. The first…
Concert for Bangladesh

The Concert for Bangladesh (or Bangla Desh, as the country was originally spelled) was the collective name for two benefit conce…
Talks From Buddhist Society of Western Australia in 2017
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia. The talks are …
Dont Take Your Life Personally

Venerable Luang Por Sumedhos teaching given in the book is being used by Ajahn Amaro on these talks given at Amaravati Monastery, UK “…

Reading of the Middle Length Discourses of Buddha as translated by Ven Bhikku Bodhi, from the original transcriptions by Ven Maha Thero Gnan…
Arthur Grumiaux- Mozart Violin Concerto

Arthur Grumiaux's Violin Concerto No. 2 Arthur Grumiaux's Biography by Meredith Gailey Of the Franco-Belgian school, Arthu…
Kurt Masur Plays Beethoven Symphonies
GEWANDHAUS ORCHESTRA Leipzig Conducted B: KURT MASUR The first recording to be based on the new critical edition published by C.F.Peters, Le…
Talks by Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in the monasteries of Thailand, India and Burma. He has taught meditation internationally since 19…
Buddhist Talks by Venerable Robina Courtin
Robina Courtin was raised in Melbourne in a large Catholic family. When she was four years old she told her parents she wanted to be a pries…
Dhamma Talks by Ajahn Jayasaro
Few Talks given by Ajahn Jayasaro are here. Ajahn Jayasaro (Shaun Michael Chiverton) was born on the Isle of Wight, England in 1958. He join…
Noble Eightfold Path
The Buddha began and ended his teaching career with a discussion of the eightfold path, guidelines for living ethically, training the mind, …
Majjima Nikaya-Suttas
Expositions of Middle Length Discourses of Tipitaka by Dhamma Teachers of Bodhiyana Monastery in Perth Western Australia. MN 1 -Mulapariyaya…
Meditation Retreat-2012
Recordings from the 9 day meditation Retreat at Jhana Grove, Dhammaloka Buddhist centre in Western Australia. Conducted under Venerable Ajah…
Numerical Discourses Of Tipitaka
Exposition of Suttasa in the Anguttara Nikaya of Tipitaka by the Teachers of Bodhiyana Manastery Western Australia. The Anguttara Nikaya, th…
Andre Rieu 2009
< The Recorded tracks from a concert in USA during 2009 tour for Educational and Academic Purposes. Click Here For Romantic P…
BSWA Retreat March 2008
Recordings at the 9 day Retreat at Jana Grove BSWA Perth, Australia conducted by Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso. The Three Knowledges (Ex…
Talks by Ajaan Paññavaddho
Venerable Ajaan Paññavaddho was for 41 years the senior-most Western bhikkhu following Ajaan Mun’s path of practice. Ajaa…
2005 Pilgrimage to India
Ven Ajahn Bram led a group of Aussie pilgrims to India to visit the sacred places that are important locations in Buddhas life. This trip wa…
Ajahn Brahmali
Talks by Ven Ajahn Brahmali at BSWA Australia. Ajahn Brahmali was born in Norway in 1964. He first became interested in Buddhism and meditat…
Ajahn Brahm's Talks in 2009
These Talks in 2009 were given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia. The t…
Ayya Khema
Few Meditation Talks Given by Ven Ayya Khema Biography: Ayya Khema was born in Berlin in 1923 to Jewish parents. In 1938, she escaped from G…
Deegha Nikaya Sutta Expositions
A collection of Sutta expositions done by Venerable Ajahn Brahmawamso, Ajahn Brahmali and other Teachers from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery …
2023 BSWA
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2023. The talks ar…
Liao -Fan's Four Lessons
Liao-Fan Yuan originally wrote Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons in the sixteenth century in China. The book was intended to teach his son, Tian-Chi Y…
Armadale Meditation
s This group gives people the opportunity to learn meditation and to hear a short Dhamma talk, from the monks, during the week. …
Bhikku Candana
.Some Talks given by Bhante Candana Dr. Candana (pronounced “Chandana”) is a Bhikkhu and a student of the Dhamma for over thirty year…
Ajahn Brahms Talks-2002
Friday Night Talks at Buddhist Society of western Australia, Perth, Australia during the year 2002 are here. During the first part of the ye…
Talks From Buddhist Society of Western Australia in 2016

The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2016. The talks ar…
DP-02 Heedfulness
The Expositions of the Second Chapter of Dhammapada given by Bhikku Yuthadhamma The Tranlation of Stannzas by Ven Thanissaro is given below:…
2003 Retreat BSWA
It is a law of nature that without effort one does not make progress. Whether one is a layperson or a monk, without effort one gets nowhere,…
2020 Talks by Ajahn Nissarano
Dhamma Talks by Ven Ajahn Nissarano after 2020 The talks before 2020 are in the Linked archive.
Retreat With Ajahn Kalyano
Recordings from a Three Day Meditation Retreat in Warburton Monastery, Victoria, Australia with Ven Ajahn Kalyano
2019 Dhamma Talks From BSWA
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2019. The talks ar…
1999 Retreat Talks from BSWA
There are many things in life that are beyond our control. However, it is possible to take responsibility for our own states of mind – and t…
What is Buddhist meditation? In Buddhism the person meditating is not trying to get into a hypnotic state or contact angels or any other sup…
Ajahn Brahmawamso's Talks 2005
Friday Night Talks from Buddhist Society of western Australia by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso, Ven Ayya Vayama, Ajahn Brahmali, Ven Ajahn Nayanadha…
Ajahn Brahm's Talks 2010
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia during year 2010. The…
Ajahn Brahm 2006
2006 Friday Night Talks from Buddhist Society of western Australia by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso, Ven Ayya Vayama, Ajahn Brahmali, and other Vene…
The Digha Nikaya, or "Collection of Long Discourses" (Pali digha = "long") is the first division of the …
Dependent Origination
The promise of an end to all suffering is an extraordinarily positive message. Sometimes people say that Buddhists are pessimists – tha…
Ajahn Brahmawamso-Talks 2001
The Talks given in 2001 by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery Western Australia. The tal…
Meditation Retreat 2013
Recordings from Meditation Retreat in October 2013 conducted at Jhana Grove Meditation Centre, Perth, Western Australia.
Talks by Ajahn Nyanadhammo

Talks given by Ven Ajahn Nyanadhamma. Biography: Ven.Ajahn.Nyanadhammo Ajahn Nyanadhammo was born in Adelaide in 1955. He became inspi…
Songs from 1957 Miss Mary

Miss Mary 1957 was with a too modern script and amazingly clever acting by Meena Kumari, Sivaji Ganeshan ,Jamuna and Kisho…
Meditation Talks by Godwin Samararatne
Dhamma Talks given by late meditation teacher from Kandy Sri Lanka late Godwin Samararatna. He is the founder of the Nilambe Meditation Cent…
2011 Retreat in Sri Lanka
Recordings from the Meditation Retreat held in 2011 at Bandarawela Sri Lanka with Ajahn Brahmawamso
Dhamma Talks in Sinhala given at the Meditation Centre at Nilamba by Hon Mr Nishantha Upul Gamage Nilamba Meditation Center Beginnings In th…
2018 Talks from BSWA
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2018. The talks ar…
Talks by Ajahn Nissarano
Ajahn Nissarano was born in Perth in 1952. After working in libraries for 20 years, he ordained at Bodhinyana Monastery as a fully ordained …
BSWA-SUTTA-Khuddala Nikaya
Ayya Vayamas Talks
Talks given at BSWA, Australia by Ven Ayya Vayama. Biography: Venerable Ajyya Vayama, when in her teens developed an interest in Buddhism th…
Ajahn Brahmawamso's Talks in 2007
The Talks given in 2007 by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery Western Australia. The tal…
Ajahn Brahmawamso's Talks 2012
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery Western Australia. The talks…
2005- Retreat with Ajahn Chandako
Retreat Talks from Melbourne with Venerable Ajahn Chandako. Originally from Minneapolis, AJAHN CHANDAKO was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1…
Chanting of Dhammapadaya in Pali by Ven Nauyane Ariyadhamma Maha Thero with Sinhala translation sung by Indeewari Abeywardena. Download the …
Paritta Chants by Ven Nauyane Ariyadhamma Maha Thero
Parittha Chantings in Pali by Most Ven Nauyane Ariyadhamma Maha Thero
Amatha Gavesi Dhamma Talks
Dhamma Talks given by Venerable Amatha Gavesi of Sri Lanka. He is considered to have achieved the Noble stage during his last years of life.…
Meditation Retreat 2019 April
Recordings from the 9 day Meditation retreat at Jana Grove, Dhammaloka Monastery,Perth, Western Australia from 18th April 2019 to 27th April…
Recordings of 8 days Workshop on Noble Eightfoldpath conductedby Venerable Ajahn Brahmali and Bhante Muditho
Noble Eightfold Path
A series of 12 Talks in Sinhala on using the Noble Eightfold Path for the Liberation, given by Ven Ellawala Vijithananda Thero of Sri Vinaya…
Dhammacakka Sutta Exposition by Hon A.D.M.Buddhadasa ධම්ම චක්ක පවත්තන සුත්රාන්ත දේශනා ගරු ඒ ඩී එම් බුද්ධදාස මහත්මා කල දේශනා මාලාව&nbs…
2011 November Retreat
recordings from the Meditation Retreat held at Jhana Grove Perth, Western Australia under Guidance of Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso during the month…
Talks by Bhante AggaCitta
Talks by Ven Aggacitta Venerable Aggacitta Bhikkhu is a Malaysian Theravada Buddhist monk who received his higher ordination at Mahasi Medit…
Nibbana The Mind Stilled Bhikkhu K. Nanananda
Nibbāna-The Mind Stilled is the translation of a series of 33 sermons titled Nivane Niveema ( Sinhala : නිවනේ නිවීම), del…
Matara Gnanarama MahaTheros Talks
A Collection of Dhamma Talks by Most Ven Matara Sri Gnanarama Loku Swamin Wahanse අතිපුජ්ය මහෝත්තම ඥාණාරාම ලොකු ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ  …
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2021. The talks ar…
Maha Chattalisaka Sutta
Maha Chattalisaka Sutta is Blessed one's guidance notes on the meditation process of arriving at Liberation. These talks were gi…
BSWA Talks 2004
Friday Night Dhamma Talks from Buddhist Society of Western Australia during 2004 by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso Ven Ayya Vayama Ven Ajahn Visuddhi…
Ajahn Brahmawamsos Talks 2003
Friday Night Dhamma Talks at the Buddhist Society of western Australia by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso Maha Thero, Abbot of Dhammaloka Buddhist Mon…
Ajahn Brahm's Talks in 2014
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery Western Australia. The talks are n…
Pilgrimage with Ajahn Achalo
In this collection , Ajahn Achalo shares readings of Suttas and commentary given while on Pilgrimage, as well as reflective Dhamma talks cov…
ඔබ දන්නා හඳුනන කෙනෙක් සිය ජීවිත කාලය අවසන්කර ලෙඩින් හෝ අසිහියෙන් අවසන් දින ගණන හෝ අවසන් සති කිහිපයම ඇඳක වෑතිර ගතකරනව…
Ajahn Sumedho's Teachings -3
Seeds of Understanding is the 2nd volume in a 5 book anthology written by Luang Por Sumedho in 2014. This volume contains material that span…
Bobby Hackett (January 31, 1915 – June 7, 1976) Bobby Hacket was a legendary Jazz musician who played Trumpet.. He &nb…
2017 June Retreat at Jhana Grove
Recordings from the 9 day retreat at Jhana Grove - Buddhaloka Buddhist Monastery Perth Australia from 21st June to 30th June 2017
Talks by Ven Maha Boowa

Some of the many Dhamma Talks by Most Venerable Maha Buwa Nanasampanno Maha Thero. Translated to English can be found here. Venerable Ajahn …
2006 Retreat BSWA
Meditation is the way to achieve letting go. In meditation one lets go of the complex world outside in order to reach the serene world insid…
SUTTA Desana by Ven PITIGALA Gunarathana

Expositions of several Suttas by Ven Pitigala Gunarathana Thero during 2008
BSWA 2004 Retreat Talks
Meditation isn't very hard. In fact: if you can breathe, you can meditate. Learn how to meditate, as taught by the Buddha, What is Meditatio…
Sunday Talks
The Dhamma Talks given by Ajahn Ariyaseelo of Welliington, New Zealand.Ajahn Ariyasilo (John Bowman) was born in England and migrated to Aus…
Vammika Sutta
Vammika Sutta by Ven Kotte Sri Devananda Maha Thero අතිපුජ්ය කෝට්ටේ ශ්රී දේවානන්ද ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ විසින් පවත්වනු ලැබූ වම්මික සුත්රා…
බෞද්ධයා පෝදා සාකච්චාව
පෝයදා දිනවල බෞද්ධයා නාලිකාවේ ප්රචාරය කරණ ධර්ම සාකච්චාව. පුජනීය මිරහත්තේ පඥාසිරි ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ සහ පුජ්ය …
වත්තුපම දේසනා -
ව්ත්තුපම සුත්රය මජ්ජිම නිකායේ මුල පන්නාසකයේ සත්වන සුත්රය වේ. මුළු සුත්රය සිංහලෙන් කියවන්නට Click Here . චිත්තෝපක්ලේෂ ධර්ම ගැන…
Suthra Deshanaa

A collection of Dhamma Talks exounding Suttas in Tipitaka. සුත්ර පිටකයේ සුත්ර විස්තර කරන්නට හඳුන්වාදෙන්නට අපේ ස්වාමින් වහන්සේලා විටින් විට…
Pemasiri Kemadasa මාස්ටර් සමරමු

A Collection of compilations of Dr Pemasiri Kemadasa Four decades of his life was dedicated to making a difference in sinhala music. Music w…
විදස්සනා දේසනා
The Instructions for developing insight by Ven Ududumbara Kashyapa Maha Thero, Recorded from The Buddhist media මෙම දේශනා පෙලට පෙර පුජ්ය ස්…
Maha Piritha Chanting from Vajiragnana Bhikku Center

The chanting of three Protection Suttas: Maha Mangala Sutta, Rathana Sutta and Karaniya Metta Sutta by the Sangha of BSiri Vajiragnana Bhikk…
Rajagiriye Ariyagnana Theros QA
A series of Dhamma question and answere sessions with Ven Rajagiriye Ariyagnana Thero
Wasala Sutta, Brahmajala Sutta, Maha Govinda Sutta, and few more subjects
Henry Jayasena - Sath Siyak
A collection of songs from the late maestero of Sinhala drama Henry Jayasena මෙරට නූතන වේදිකා නාට්ය ඉතිහාසයේ පුරෝගාමි මෙහෙවරක යෙදෙමින්, එහි…
Jhana Grove Retreat 2018 July
Recordings of Talks and Dhamma Discussions of Meditation Retreat from 14th July to 21st July 2018 Conducted by Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso&n…
Rangiri Madhu Rasanjali රංගිරි මධු රසාංජලි
රන්ගිරි බක් මී විල්ලුව CLICK රන්ගිරි අමරණීය මතක සුවඳ CLICK BINACA GEETH MALA (හින්දි ) 2020-07-05 2020-07-12 2020-07-19 1953 අනා…
Recordings from the BSWA Meditation retreat held at Jhana Grove from 6th April to 15th April. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the basic …
Mulapariyaya Sutta- මුල පරියාය සුත්රය
1. මා විසින් මෙසේ අසන ලදී. එක් කලෙක භාග්යවතුන් වහන්සේ උක්කට්ඨානුවර සමීපයෙහි වූ සුභග වනයෙහි මහසාල රුකක් මුල වැඩ වසන සේක. එකල්හි භාග්ය…
Agganna Sutta
Agganna Sutta Exposition BY Ven Kotte Sri Devananda Maha Thero. The Sutta in brief: අග්ගඤ්ඤ සුත්රය –දීඝනිකාය, පාථිකවග්ගපාළි පෘථිවියේ ජීවයේ…
පුජ්ය කුමාර කස්සප ස්වාමින්වහන්සේගේ දේශනා
Short Dhamma Talks given by Ven Kothmale Kumara Kassapa Thero
BSWA 2022 Friday Talks
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2022. The talks ar…
Ajahn Brahm's Friday Talks 2008
Dhamma Talks given at The Buddhist Society of Western Australia on Friday evenings by Ven Ajahn Brahmawamso, Abbott of Bodhignana Forest Mon…
SABBASAVA-SUTTA සබ්බාසව සුත්ර විවරණය
1.සෝවාන් මාර්ගයෙන් පහකළ යුතුවූ කෙලෙස් ඇත්තාහ. 2. සති සංවරයෙන් පහකළ යුතුවූ කෙලෙස් ඇත්තාහ. 3. ඤාණසංවරයෙන් පහකළ යුතුවූ කෙලෙස් ඇත්ත…
Ajahn Brahmawamso's Talks 2013
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia. The talks are …
Ajahn Brahmawamso's Talks 2011
The Talks given during 2011 by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia. The talk…
Pathegama Sumanarathana Thero

A series of Talks by Ven Pathegama Sumanarathana Thero of Anada Bodhiya Temple, Ganemulla, Sri Lanka
BSWA 2020 Friday Talks
The Talks given by Ajhan Brahmawamso and other members of Sangha from Dhammaloka Buddhist Monastery- Western Australia in 2020. The talks ar…
Ven Meemure-Dhammawansa පුජ්ය මීමුරේ ධම්මවංස හිමි කල දේසනා

Dhamma Talks by Ven Meemure Dhammawansha Thero are quite different to most run of the mill talks heard in Sri Lanka. Ven Dhammawansa Thero V…
Ven Panadure Chandaratana
Few Dhamma Talks given by Ven Panadure Chandaratana at the Nissarana wanaya Forest Hermitage, Meethirigala ’මහණෙනි, චතුස්සත්යය අවබෝධ …
Satipattana Sutta Ven Ududumbara Kashyapa Thero
පුජ්ය උඩුදුම්බර කාශ්යප ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ විසින් 2015 දී සිදුකල පැය පහක් පමණ දීර්ඝ ධර්ම දේශනාව කොටස් පහකට කඩා මෙහි ඇතුලත් කර ඇත්තේ ශ්රාවකයාග…
පුජ්ය උඩඊරියගම ධම්මජිව ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ
පුජ්ය උඩ ඊරියගම ධම්මජීව ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ විසින් 2006 වසරේදී මීතිරිගල නිස්සරණ වනය ආරණ්ය සේනාසනයේ නේවාසික භාවනා යෝගී භික්ෂුන් වහන්සේලා ගේ ප්…
Sathipattana Exposition by Ven Kotte Devananda Thero
A Series of 59 talks given by Ven Kotte Sri Dhammanada Maha Thero expounding the Sathipattana Sutta
Sathipattana Sutta Exposition
Exposition of Sathipattana Sutta by Ven Udairiyagama Dhammajiva Thero of Nissarana Forest Monastery Mithirigala. The Satipaṭṭhāna Sutt…
පුජ්ය වතුරුගම නන්දසිරි මහා ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ පුජ්ය ගම්පහ සිරි සීවලී මහා ස්වාමින්වහසේ පුජ්ය මැල්සිරීපුර ධම්මකුසල ස්වාමින් වහන්…
Saturday Talks
The regular Dhamma Desana sessions held on Saturday Evenings at the Borella Kalyana Arana premisses by Ven Kotte Devananda Maha Thero from 1…
Seda Sulang
සැඩ සුළං:-තිරගත වූ දිනය – 1955 ජූනි 24 ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම – සීමාසහිත ෆිල්ම් සිලෝන් සමාගම නිෂ්පාදනය, අධ්යක්ෂණය, තිර රචනය – ටී. සෝමසේකරන් සහය අධ්…
Singalovada Sutta
බොහෝ දෙනා බොහෝ දේශකයාණන් වහන්සේලා ගෙන් අසා ඇති සිඟාලෝවාද සුත්රය සම්තමුති හා පරමාර්ථ යන දෙආකාරයෙන් ම දේශනා කරනු ලැබුවේ පුජ්ය කෝට්ටේ ද…
මජ්ජිම නිකාය සුත්ර දේසනා Majjima Nikaya Sutta Talks
බෞද්ධයා මාධ්ය ජාලය මගින් ප්රකාශිත මජ්ජිම නිකාය සුත්ර දේසනා ඇසුරින් කල ධර්ම දේසනා එකතුවක් මෙහි රක්ෂිත කර ඇත. අනෙක් දේසනා පහත link ව…
Buddhist Society of Victoria was Founded in 1953, the BSV is the oldest Buddhist Institution in Victoria. Situated at Darling Road. B…
Devar Suryasena
Devar Surya Sena (1899-1981) was born Herbert Charles Jacob Pieris, the son of Sir James Pieris, one of Ceylon’s most prominent politic…
Girimananda Sutta
The exposition of the Girimananda Sutta or Ten Perceptions that are required to be developed for the mind to be liberated. These talks were …
Dhamma Talks based on Chula Vedalla Sutta done by late Ven Kotte Devananda Maha Thero . Free distribution with courtesy of Kalyana Dhamma or…
suthra dharma desana
Dhamma Talks by Ven Meemure Dhammawansha Thero are quite different to most run of the mill talks heard in Sri Lanka. Venerable Meemure…
Ven Nauyane Ariyadhamma Theros Talks
අපවත්වී වදාළ බෝධිසත්ව ගුනෝපේත අතිපුජ්ය නාඋයනේ අරියධම්ම මහා ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ සිදුකල දහස් ගණන් වූ ධර්ම දේශනා සමුහයෙන් අතලොස්සක් මෙහි අඩංගු කරම…
2018 Sutta Retreat with Ajahn Brahmali
Recordings of the Sutta Retreat conducted by Venerable Ajahn Bhramali from 2018-06-01 to 2018-06-10 at Jhana Gove centre at Dhammaloka Monas…
Sudassana Thero 2017
Here you find The Dhamma Talks given by Ven Mankadawela Sudassana Thero in 2017 Other Links: 2018-Talks by Ven Sudassana Thero 2019-Talks by…

The series of talks on Maha Vedalla Sutta by Late Ven Kotte Sri Devananda Maha Thero who lived in Kalyana Asrama office at 417, Bauddhaloka&…
මරණානුස්සති භාවනාව වඩන්න
“එක් ධර්මයක් භාවනා වශයෙන් වඩන ලද්දේ බහුල වශයෙන් නැවත නැවත පුහුණු කරන ලද්දේ, ඒකාන්තයෙන් සසර කලකිරීම පිණිස, නොඇලීම පිණිස, කෙලෙස් දුරුවීම පිණිස…
පුජ්ය උඩුදුම්බර කාශ්යප හිමියන් කල නිවන් මග දේශනා පෙළ Ududumbara Kashyapa himi…

තථාගතයන් වහන්සේ දේශනා කල ධර්මය අද නොයෙක් අයුරින් පරිහරණය කෙරේ. බොහෝ බෞද්ධයන් දැනුම වඩා ගැන්මට ධර්මය අධ්යයනය කරයි. බණ අසයි. ත්රිපිටකය …
Salleka Suthraya- සල්ලේඛ සුත්රය

පුජ්ය උඩුදුම්බර කාශ්යප ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ විසින් 2017-12-28 දා සිට 2018-01-12 දා තෙක්; සල්ලේඛ සුත්රය අලලා කල මේ ධර්ම දේශනා මාලාව සකස් කොට ඇත…
Maha Parinibbana Sutta
පුජ්ය උඩුදුම්බර කාශ්යප ස්වාමින් වහන්සේ විසින් 2017-11-28 දා සිට 2017-12-27 දා තෙක් මහා පරිනිබ්බාන සුත්රය අලලා සිදුකල දේශනා 22 මෙහි…