Wild Bill Hickock

The First 38 shows of the series are here.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
TV-Radio-movie triple-header?

I remember watching the TV version of this juvenile western series in the 1950s, and I'm sure my childhood dentists appreciated the SugarCornPops. I see Wikipedia, tv.com and IMDB have pages about the 1951-58 television version produced at the same time... They mention that some of the TV episodes were combined as feature-length releases... quite the multimedia crossover. I've only listened to one episode for fear of getting too nostalgic at breakfast time.
happy fun western
sav rekons

i like the voices in this show, it brings a smile to the face. the clipperdee clop of the movement. it has everything except slim pickins. andy devine as jingles. even corn pops sav rekons 4 stars
Basic kid's nostalgia

Andy Devine plays aversion of himself as the Deputy. Hickok does all the hombre capturin'.
Great Western

Love listening to wild bill used to listen to it on the internet. now II can listen to it on here any time I want.
Takes me back to Saturday morning when I was a kid.